5.7.143. Bugzilla::Extension::AgileTools::WebService::Sprint NAME

Bugzilla::Extension::AgileTools::WebService::Sprint - Sprint manipulation WS methods DESCRIPTION

Web service methods available under namespace ‘Agile.Sprint’. METHODS

  • get
Description: Fetch sprint info
Params:      id - Sprint ID
Returns:     The sprint object
  • create
Description: Create new sprint
Params:      team_id - Team id
             start_date - Start date of the sprint
             end_date - End date of the sprint
Returns:     Created sprint object
  • update
Description: Updates sprint details
Params:      id - Sprint ID
             start_date - (optional) Change start_date
             end_date - (optional) Change end_date
Returns:     Hash with 'id' and 'changes' like from L<Bugzilla::Object::update>
  • close
Description: Closes the current sprint
Params:      id - Sprint ID
             next_id - ID of the sprint to use as base for new current sprint
             start_date - Start date of the new current sprint
             end_date - End date of the new current sprint
Returns:     Archived sprint info

Resolved items from current sprint are moved to new archive sprint, which will have start and end date of current sprint.

If next_id is given, items from that sprint are moved to current sprint and start and end dates are copied from that sprint.

If start_date and end_date are given, current sprint dates are updated to those.

  • commit
Description: Marks the sprint as committed
Params:      id - Sprint ID
  • uncommit
Description: Marks the sprint as not committed
Params:      id - Sprint ID
  • delete
Description: Delete a sprint
Params:      id - Sprint ID SEE ALSO


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