5.7.183. Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat NAME

Red Hat Extension DESCRIPTION

This module contains many customisation for https://bugzilla.redhat.com FEATURES

This is a list of some of the features provided by this extension.

This field allows a product to use the ON_DEV status.
This field allows a product to require users to provide publicly consumable bug descriptions.
This field allows a product to prevent the pm_ack and dev_ack flags being reset when a bug’s component changes.
This field allows a product to add a banner to the show bugs page for bugs in the product.
A list of user accounts that will always be CCd on mails for bugs, without appearing on the bugs CC list.
Doc Types:
This feature allows the Docs team to label and contribute documentation for bugs.
Group Graphs:
This feature allows redhat users to render SVG graphs of group relationships.
Red Hat Theme:
This extension supplies the bulk of the Red Hat Theme.
Admin User Sessions:
This Admin UI allows site admins to remove a user’s login sessions and ban or revoke a user’s APIKeys. See “terminate-sessions” in Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat::WebService::Bugzilla
Ban leaked APIKeys:
This Admin UI allows site admins to ban leaked APIKeys. See “admin-apikeys” in Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat::WebService::Bugzilla
Edit comments API:
This API allows editing the comments on a bug. See “edit-comment” in Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat::WebService::Bugzilla
Manage User Account:
This API allows various levels of disabling accounts. See “manage_user_access” in Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat::WebService::Bugzilla

This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file them here.