5.7.197. Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat::Config Description

Bugzilla::Extension::RedHat::Config - A module for specifying parameters to be added to the data/params.json file. Parameters

The BaseDN for authentinticating to (e.g. uid=me,ou=me,dc=Company).
  • announcehtml
If this field is non-empty, then Bugzilla will display whatever is in this field at the top of every HTML page. The HTML you put in this field is not wrapped or enclosed in anything; you might want to wrap it inside a <div>. Give the div class="message" to apply the message box formatting.
  • bugzilla_term
The term to use on the site and in the documentation for this Bugzilla installation.
  • duplicate_warn_override
Provide a warning when the ‘duplicate of’ bug is for a different product or version?
  • expired_search_time
This will unshare a shared saved search if it has not been used within the specified time frame. The user will be sent an email informing them that their search is no longer being shared.
  • flag_type_categories
A comma separated list of flag type categories. Start the list with a comma if you want an empty value as an option.
  • force_secure_cookies
Always set the secure param for cookies even if ssl redirect is not enabled for this Bugzilla installation. Some systems reside behind proxy servers that automatically redirect to https: regardless if Bugzilla is configured to do so.
  • group_categories
A comma separated list of group categories. Start the list with a comma if you want an empty value as an option.
  • inbound_proxies
When inbound traffic to Bugzilla goes through a proxy, Bugzilla thinks that the IP address of every single user is the IP address of the proxy. If you enter a comma-separated list of IPs in this parameter, then Bugzilla will trust any X-Forwarded-For header sent from those IPs, and use the value of that header as the end user’s IP address.
  • log4perl_config
A Log::Log4perl configuration string to control log format.
  • login_lockout_interval
This defines the time that the account with the maximum login attempts will be locked out for in minutes.
  • long_query_timeout
Certain scripts such as buglist.cgi can create very large SQL queries that sometimes take a long time to execute and will cause database issues. This value is the total number of seconds that a query is allowed to run before it is killed off. Set to 0 to disable.
  • mail_errors_to
The e-mail address that system errors are sent to.
  • max_login_attempts
This defines the maximum number of failed login attempts before locking account from it’s IP address.
  • proxy_url
Bugzilla may have to access the web to get notifications about new releases, see the upgrade_notification parameter. In case you are behind a proxy, it may be necessary to enter its URL if the web server group cannot access the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. If you have to authenticate, use the http://user:pass@proxy_url/ syntax.
  • rh_radius_groups
List of groups that require RADIUS auth.
  • rpc_log_args
Log arguments for RPC calls to the log? Will not log password/apikey/cookies/etc.
  • second_shadowdb
If non-empty, then this is the name of another database in which Bugzilla will use as a read-only copy of everything. This is done so that long slow read-only operations can be used against this db, and not lock up things for everyone else. This database is on the second_shadowdbhost, and must exist. Bugzilla does not update it, if you use this parameter, then you need to set up replication for your database.
  • second_shadowdbhost
The host the second shadow database is on.
  • second_shadowdbport
The port the second shadow database is on. Ignored if second_shadowdbhost is blank. Note: if the host is the local machine, then MySQL will ignore this setting, and you must specify a socket below.
  • second_shadowdbsock
The socket used to connect to the second shadow database, if the host is the local machine. This setting is required because MySQL ignores the port specified by the client and connects using its compiled-in socket path (on unix machines) when connecting from a client to a local server. If you leave this blank, and have the database on localhost, then the second_shadowdbport will be ignored.
  • shutdownhtml
If this field is non-empty, then Bugzilla will be completely disabled and this text will be displayed instead of all the Bugzilla pages.
  • usedocscontact
Do you wish to use the Docs Contact field?
  • usetargetrelease
Do you wish to use the Target Release field?
  • utf8

Use UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding for all text in Bugzill. New installations should set this to true to avoid character encoding problems. Existing databases should set this to true only after the data has been converted from existing legacy character encodings to UTF-8, using the ‘contrib/recode.pl’ script.

Note that if you turn this parameter from “off” to “on”, you must re-run checksetup.pl immediately afterward.

This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file them here.