5.7.209. Bugzilla::Extension::Releases::WebService NAME

Bugzilla::Extensions::Releases::WebService - XMLRPC Methods for obtaining and setting Bugzilla Release attributes. DESCRIPTION

This module provides methods that can be used to get information about a bug report in contained in the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. Methods are also provided to update certain attributes of an existing bug report or create a new report. The username and password for a Bugzilla account can be passed in as parameters or cookies can be passed with the HTTP request that correspond to a valid Bugzilla login.

Method calls are normally in the form of namespace.method(arguments). Where namespace in this case is “bugzilla”. So for example bugzilla.getBug(bugid, username, password) would return the results of getBug() for bug id $bugid. METHODS

  • getReleaseComponents($params)

Returns release components for the passed release name in a set of lists. The lists include ‘approved’, ‘capacity’, ‘ack’, and ‘nack’.

$params = {
    release => "<release>"
        # Release name or flag to return list of approved components for
  • updateReleaseComponents($params)

Returns release components for the passed flag name in a set of lists. The lists include ‘approved’, ‘capacity’, ‘ack’, and ‘nack’.

$params = {
    "release" => "<release>",
        # Name of release (flag) to update components for.
    "approved"  => [],
        # List of approved components to add, remove or make exact.
    "approved_action" => "",
        # Action to take on approved components.
        #   add = Add the provided components to the existing list
        #   remove = Remove the provided components from the existing list
        #   makeexact = Make the existing list match the list provided.
    "capacity"  => [],
        # List of capacity priority components to add, remove or make exact
    "capacity_action" => "",
        # Action to take on capacity components.
        #   add = Add the provided components to the existing list
        #   remove = Remove the provided components from the existing list
        #   makeexact = Make the existing list match the list provided.
    "allow_empty" => 1|0,
        # Allow either capacity or approved lists to be empty.
  • getReleaseSchedule($params)

Returns release schedule for the passed release name

$params = {
    "release" => "<release>",
        # Name of release (flag).
  • updateReleaseSchedule($params)

Updates the release schedule for the passed release name.

$params = {
    "release" => "<release>",
        # Name of release (flag)
    "phases"  => {},
        # A hash reference containing phase names which are references
        # to other hashes containing their start and end dates. NOTE: This is a make
        # exact type operation. Any phases not passed in will be removed.
        # { development => { date_start => 'YYYY-MM-DD', date_end => 'YYYY-MM-DD' } }
  • getRelease($params)

Retrieve information about a specific release or a full list of current releases.

$params = {
    "release" => "<release>",
    # Name of the release to retrieve information for (optional)
  • updateRelease($params)

Update information about a specific release

$params = {
    "release" => "<release>",
    # Name of the release to update information for (required)
    "description" => "<description>",
    # Description of release

Bugzilla Bugzilla::WebService

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