5.7.244. Bugzilla::Extension::Workflows::ManageComponents NAME

Bugzilla::Extension::Workflows::ManageComponents DESCRIPTION

This workflow allows teams and product owners to edit component roles without granting editcomponents to large numbers of users.

A user is allowed to manage components this way when:

  • They have editcomponents right on the product
  • They are in the component’s default pool’s team
  • They are in the component’s sub_team

For the API see Bugzilla::Extension::Workflows::WebService::ManageComponents.

The columns in the the table are:

The name of the component or sub_component.
The name of the product the component belongs to.
Default assignee:
The login of the default assignee.
Default qa:
The login of the default QA contact.
Default docs:
The login of the default docs contact.
Initial CCs:
The logins of all users to be added to the CC list of new bugs.
Default pool:
The Default pool to assign bugs to.
A Team that is responsible for the component that is not the team that owns the default pool.
The BVP bug template to use for ne bugs.
The public description got the component.
Icon that allow actions related to the current row.

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