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Bug 2105177

Summary: dbus-common: sysusers entry does not match specfile setup
Product: [Fedora] Fedora Reporter: Luca BRUNO <lucab>
Component: dbusAssignee: Colin Walters <walters>
Status: CLOSED ERRATA QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance <extras-qa>
Severity: medium Docs Contact:
Priority: unspecified    
Version: 36CC: amigadave, caillon+fedoraproject, gnome-sig, mclasen, mzeuom, rstrode, sandmann, tgunders, travier, walters
Target Milestone: ---Keywords: Reopened
Target Release: ---   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Fixed In Version: dbus-1.14.0-2.fc37 dbus-1.14.0-5.fc38 dbus-1.14.0-5.fc37 Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Story Points: ---
Clone Of: Environment:
Last Closed: 2022-08-22 19:03:00 UTC Type: Bug
Regression: --- Mount Type: ---
Documentation: --- CRM:
Verified Versions: Category: ---
oVirt Team: --- RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host:
Cloudforms Team: --- Target Upstream Version:

Description Luca BRUNO 2022-07-08 08:18:46 UTC
[This is a copy of for Fedora]

The dbus specfile creates a `dbus` user and group with `81` as static IDs:

However the `dbus-common` package ships a sysusers.d fragment under `/usr/lib/sysusers.d/dbus` which creates a user/group with dynamic ID allocation:
# sysusers.d snippet for creating the D-Bus system user automatically
# at boot on systemd-based systems that ship with an unpopulated
# /etc. See sysusers.d(5) for details.

u dbus - "System Message Bus"

To fix misalignment, it would be good to update the sysusers fragment to use `81` as the UID/GID too.

Comment 1 David King 2022-07-14 08:14:18 UTC
I changed dbus in rawhide to use the upstream sysusers.d configuration, which prefers dynamic IDs.

Comment 2 Luca BRUNO 2022-07-14 09:04:32 UTC
> I changed dbus in rawhide to use the upstream sysusers.d configuration, which prefers dynamic IDs.

Thanks for the quick reaction. However I don't think that *in this specific case* it is the good way to go.

In particular, I see that the `dbus-daemon` package is shipping a setGID binary at `/usr/libexec/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper` owned by the `dbus` group:
%files daemon
%attr(4750,root,dbus) %{_libexecdir}/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper

After the "dynamic GID" change you just pushed, this binary will now get a different GID on each system where the package gets installed/composed.

This is troublesome for the push towards deterministic/reproducible composes, and it introduces additional issues for transactional systems doing sandboxed/out-of-band composes (where the GID may change across runs).
I pretty much welcome the specfile switch toward a sysusers.d fragment, but I'd recommend sticking to the Fedora allocated UID/GID `81` for that (overriding/patching the upstream content).

(I didn't manage to trace down this ID allocation through history, but I do feel that it may have been requested to cover this exact setGID binary too).

Comment 3 Timothée Ravier 2022-07-26 16:16:10 UTC
I'm re-opening this one as this impacts all rpm-ostree based variants of Fedora and as Luca mentioned we need to use a static ID as we have SetGID binaries in the package.

Comment 4 Luca BRUNO 2022-08-03 12:35:07 UTC
I eventually found some time to do the packaging changes myself, PR at

Comment 5 Fedora Update System 2022-08-22 19:00:09 UTC
FEDORA-2022-23b7130499 has been submitted as an update to Fedora 37.

Comment 6 Fedora Update System 2022-08-22 19:01:37 UTC
FEDORA-2022-58c18a7300 has been submitted as an update to Fedora 38.

Comment 7 Fedora Update System 2022-08-22 19:03:00 UTC
FEDORA-2022-58c18a7300 has been pushed to the Fedora 38 stable repository.
If problem still persists, please make note of it in this bug report.

Comment 8 Fedora Update System 2022-08-22 22:39:20 UTC
FEDORA-2022-23b7130499 has been pushed to the Fedora 37 stable repository.
If problem still persists, please make note of it in this bug report.