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Bug 1106280 - fmpp: FTBFS in rawhide
Summary: fmpp: FTBFS in rawhide
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: fmpp
Version: 21
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Will Benton
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On: 1212672
Blocks: F21FTBFS
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2014-06-09 04:08 UTC by Dennis Gilmore
Modified: 2015-12-02 16:09 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2015-12-02 03:13:14 UTC
Type: ---

Attachments (Terms of Use)
build.log (deleted)
2014-06-09 04:08 UTC, Dennis Gilmore
no flags Details
root.log (deleted)
2014-06-09 04:08 UTC, Dennis Gilmore
no flags Details
state.log (deleted)
2014-06-09 04:08 UTC, Dennis Gilmore
no flags Details
Fix for rhbz#1106280 (F21FTBFS) (deleted)
2015-03-08 04:01 UTC, gil cattaneo
no flags Details | Diff

Description Dennis Gilmore 2014-06-09 04:08:35 UTC
Your package fmpp failed to build from source in current rawhide.

For details on mass rebuild see

Comment 1 Dennis Gilmore 2014-06-09 04:08:38 UTC
Created attachment 904400 [details]

Comment 2 Dennis Gilmore 2014-06-09 04:08:40 UTC
Created attachment 904401 [details]

Comment 3 Dennis Gilmore 2014-06-09 04:08:41 UTC
Created attachment 904402 [details]

Comment 4 Jaroslav Reznik 2015-03-03 15:55:39 UTC
This bug appears to have been reported against 'rawhide' during the Fedora 22 development cycle.
Changing version to '22'.

More information and reason for this action is here:

Comment 5 gil cattaneo 2015-03-08 04:01:09 UTC
Created attachment 999264 [details]
Fix for rhbz#1106280 (F21FTBFS)

- Fix for rhbz#1106280 (F21FTBFS)
- Adapt to current guideline

Task info:

Comment 6 gil cattaneo 2015-03-08 04:45:58 UTC
added cmd line with
%jpackage_script "" "" %{name}:freemarker:../../jvm/java/lib/tools:bsh:oro:xml-commons-apis:xml-commons-resolver %{name} true

fmpp -h
Typical usages:
   fmpp -C configfile
   fmpp -S sourcedir -O outputdir
   fmpp sourcefile -o outputfile
  -A, --locale=<LOC>                   The locale (as ar_SA). Use the special
                                         value "host" (-A host) if the default
                                         locale of the host machine should be
                                         used. The default value of the option
                                         is en_US.
      --always-create-directories      Create output subdirectory even if it
                                         will remain empty. Defaults to false.
      --append-log-file                If the log file already exists, it will
                                         be continuted, instead of restarting
      --borders=<SEQ>                  The list of TDD function calls that
                                         choose header and footer for
                                         templates, e.g.:
                                         -M 'border("<#escape x as x?html>",
                                         "</#escape>", *.htm, *.html),
                                         header("<#include \"/css.ftl\">",
  -c, --continue-on-error              Skip to the next file on failed file
                                         processing (and log the error: see -L)
  -C, --configuration=<FILE>           Load settings from a configuration file.
                                         Settings given with command-line
                                         options have higher priority (note
                                         that some settings are merged, rather
                                         than overridden). Be default fmpp will
                                         use ./config.fmpp or ./fmpp.cfg if
                                         that exists. Use value "none" (-C
                                         none) to prevent this.
      --case-sensitive                 Upper- and lower-case letters are
                                         considered as different characters
                                         when comparing or matching paths.
      --columns=<COLS>                 The number of columns on the console
                                         screen. Defaults to 80.
      --configuration-base=<DIR>       The directory used as base to resolve
                                         relative paths in the configuration
                                         file. It defaults to the directory of
                                         the configuration file.
  -D, --data=<TDD>                     Creates shared data that all template
                                         will see. <TDD> is the Textual Data
                                         Definition, e.g.:
                                         -D "properties(,
                                         Note that paths like
                                         "" are relatve to the
                                         data root directory.
      --data-root=<DIR>                Sets the root directory of data files.
                                         The reserved value "source" means that
                                         the data root is the same as the
                                         source root. The default value is
      --date-format=<FORMAT>           The format used to show date
                                         (year+month+day) values. The default
                                         is locale dependent.
      --datetime-format=<FORMAT>       The format used to show date-time
                                         values. The default is locale
      --dont-append-log-file           If the log file already exists, it will
                                         be restarted. This is the default.
      --dont-ignore-cvs-files          Don't ignore CVS files in the source
                                         root directory.
      --dont-ignore-svn-files          Don't ignore SVN files in the source
                                         root directory.
      --dont-ignore-temporary-files    Don't ignore well-known temporary files
                                         in the source root directory.
      --dont-snip                      Don't snip (--8<--) long messages.
      --dont-validate-xml              Sets that XML files will not be
                                         validated by default. This is the
  -E, --source-encoding=<ENC>          The encoding of textual sources
                                         (templates). Use the special value
                                         "host" (-E host) if the default
                                         encoding of the host machine should be
                                         used. The default value of the option
                                         is "ISO-8859-1."
  -F, --echo-format=<FORMAT>           The format used for displaying the
                                         progress. <FORMAT> is n[ormal],
                                         t[erse] or q[uiet] (or v[erbose],
                                         which is the same as normal). The
                                         default is normal.
      --freemarker-links=<MAP>         The map of FreeMarker links (external
  -h, --help                           Prints help on options.
      --ignore-case                    Upper- and lower-case letters are
                                         considered as the same characters when
                                         comparing or matching paths. This is
                                         the default.
      --ignore-cvs-files               Ignore CVS files in the source root
                                         directory. This is the default.
      --ignore-svn-files               Ignore SVN files in the source root
                                         directory. This is the default.
      --ignore-temporary-files         Ignore well-known temporary files (e.g.
                                         **/?*~) in the source root directory.
                                         This is the default.
      --inherit-configuration=<FILE>   Inherits options from a configuration
                                         file. The options in the primary
                                         configuration file (-C) has higher
  -L, --log-file=<FILE>                Sets the log file. Use "none" (-L none)
                                         to disable logging. The default is
      --local-data=<SEQ>               Creates data that is visible only for
                                         certain templates. This is a list of
                                         case(...) and layer() function calls.
      --long-help                      Prints long help.
  -M, --modes=<SEQ>                    The list of TDD function calls that
                                         choose the file processing mode, e.g.:
                                         -M "ignore(**/tmp/), execute(**/*.htm,
                                         **/*.html), copy(**/*)"
      --not-expert                     Disables expert mode. This is the
      --number-format=<FORMAT>         The number format used to show numerical
                                         values. The default is 0.############
  -o, --output-file=<FILE>             The output file. This switches FMPP to
                                         single-file mode.
  -O, --output-root=<DIR>              Sets the root directory of output files.
      --object-wrapper=<BSH>           Specifies the ObjectWrapper to use with
                                         a BeanShell expression that must
                                         evaluate to an object that extends
                                         BeansWrapper. The default value is a
                                         BeansWrapper instance with
                                         simpleMapWrapper set to true.
      --output-encoding=<ENC>          The encoding of template output. Use the
                                         special value "source" if the encoding
                                         of the template file should be used.
                                         Use the special value "host" if the
                                         default encoding of the host machine
                                         should be used. The default is
      --print-locales                  Prints the locale codes that Java
                                         platform knows.
  -q, --quiet                          Don't write to the stdout, unless the
                                         command-line arguments are wrong.
                                         Print warning and error messages to
                                         the stderr.
  -Q, --really-quiet                   As -q, but doesn't even write to the
  -R, --remove-extensions=<SEQ>        These extensions will be removed from
                                         the output file name. <SEQ> contains
                                         the extensions without the dot.
      --remove-postfixes=<SEQ>         If the source file name without the
                                         extension ends with a string in the
                                         <SEQ>, then that string will be
                                         removed from the output file name.
      --replace-extensions=<SEQ>       Replaces the extensions with another
                                         exensions. The list contains the old
                                         and new extensions alternately; old1,
                                         new1, old2, new2, etc. The extensions
                                         in the <SEQ> do not contain the dot.
  -s, --stop-on-error                  Terminate fmpp on failed file
                                         processing. This is the default
                                         behaviour. Use -c to override this.
  -S, --source-root=<DIR>              Sets the root directory of source files.
                                         In bulk-mode it defaults to the
                                         current working directory.
      --snip                           Snip (--8<--) long messages. This is the
      --tag-syntax=<WHAT>              Sets the tag syntax for templates that
                                         doesn't start with the ftl directive.
                                         Possible values are: angleBracket,
                                         squareBracket, autoDetect. The default
                                         depends on the FreeMarker version. The
                                         recommended value is autoDetect.
      --time-format=<FORMAT>           The format used to show time values. The
                                         default is locale dependent.
      --time-zone=<ZONE>               Sets the time zone used to show time.
                                         The default is the time zone of the
                                         host machine. Example: GMT+02
      --turns=<SEQ>                    The list of turn(...)-s that choose the
                                         turns of processings, e.g.:
                                         --turns "turn(2, **/*_t2.*, ), turn(3,
                                         **/*_t3.*, **/*.toc)"
                                         By default all files will be procesed
                                         in the first turn.
  -U, --skip-unchanged=<WHAT>          Skip <WHAT> files if the source was not
                                         modified after the output file was
                                         last modified. <WHAT> can be "all",
                                         "none" or "static"
      --url-escaping-charset=<ENC>     The charset used for URL escaping. Use
                                         the special value "output" if the
                                         encoding of the output file should be
                                         used. The default is "output".
  -v, --verbose                        The opposite of -Q: prints everything to
                                         the stdout. This is the default.
      --validate-xml                   Sets that XML files will be validated by
      --version                        Prints version information.
  -x, --expert                         Expert mode.
      --xml-catalog-files=<SEQ>        Sets the catalog files used for XML
                                         entity resolution. Catalog based
                                         resolution is enabled if and only if
                                         this settings is specified.
      --xml-catalog-prefer=<WHAT>      Sets if catalog file based XML entity
                                         resolution prefers public or system
                                         identifiers. Valid values are: public,
                                         system, globalDefault. Defaults to
      --xml-renderings=<SEQ>           Sets the sequence of XML renderings.
                                         Each item is hash, that stores the
                                         options of an XML rendering
      --xpath-engine=<NAME>            Sets the XPath engine to be used. Legal
                                         values are: dontSet, default, jaxen,
                                         xalan, and any adapter class name.

Most of the above command-line options directly correspond to FMPP settings.
The detailed description of the FMPP settings is in the FMPP Manual.
fmpp -h
Typical usages:
   fmpp -C configfile
   fmpp -S sourcedir -O outputdir
   fmpp sourcefile -o outputfile
  -A, --locale=<LOC>                   The locale (as ar_SA). Use the special
                                         value "host" (-A host) if the default
                                         locale of the host machine should be
                                         used. The default value of the option
                                         is en_US.
      --always-create-directories      Create output subdirectory even if it
                                         will remain empty. Defaults to false.
      --append-log-file                If the log file already exists, it will
                                         be continuted, instead of restarting
      --borders=<SEQ>                  The list of TDD function calls that
                                         choose header and footer for
                                         templates, e.g.:
                                         -M 'border("<#escape x as x?html>",
                                         "</#escape>", *.htm, *.html),
                                         header("<#include \"/css.ftl\">",
  -c, --continue-on-error              Skip to the next file on failed file
                                         processing (and log the error: see -L)
  -C, --configuration=<FILE>           Load settings from a configuration file.
                                         Settings given with command-line
                                         options have higher priority (note
                                         that some settings are merged, rather
                                         than overridden). Be default fmpp will
                                         use ./config.fmpp or ./fmpp.cfg if
                                         that exists. Use value "none" (-C
                                         none) to prevent this.
      --case-sensitive                 Upper- and lower-case letters are
                                         considered as different characters
                                         when comparing or matching paths.
      --columns=<COLS>                 The number of columns on the console
                                         screen. Defaults to 80.
      --configuration-base=<DIR>       The directory used as base to resolve
                                         relative paths in the configuration
                                         file. It defaults to the directory of
                                         the configuration file.
  -D, --data=<TDD>                     Creates shared data that all template
                                         will see. <TDD> is the Textual Data
                                         Definition, e.g.:
                                         -D "properties(,
                                         Note that paths like
                                         "" are relatve to the
                                         data root directory.
      --data-root=<DIR>                Sets the root directory of data files.
                                         The reserved value "source" means that
                                         the data root is the same as the
                                         source root. The default value is
      --date-format=<FORMAT>           The format used to show date
                                         (year+month+day) values. The default
                                         is locale dependent.
      --datetime-format=<FORMAT>       The format used to show date-time
                                         values. The default is locale
      --dont-append-log-file           If the log file already exists, it will
                                         be restarted. This is the default.
      --dont-ignore-cvs-files          Don't ignore CVS files in the source
                                         root directory.
      --dont-ignore-svn-files          Don't ignore SVN files in the source
                                         root directory.
      --dont-ignore-temporary-files    Don't ignore well-known temporary files
                                         in the source root directory.
      --dont-snip                      Don't snip (--8<--) long messages.
      --dont-validate-xml              Sets that XML files will not be
                                         validated by default. This is the
  -E, --source-encoding=<ENC>          The encoding of textual sources
                                         (templates). Use the special value
                                         "host" (-E host) if the default
                                         encoding of the host machine should be
                                         used. The default value of the option
                                         is "ISO-8859-1."
  -F, --echo-format=<FORMAT>           The format used for displaying the
                                         progress. <FORMAT> is n[ormal],
                                         t[erse] or q[uiet] (or v[erbose],
                                         which is the same as normal). The
                                         default is normal.
      --freemarker-links=<MAP>         The map of FreeMarker links (external
  -h, --help                           Prints help on options.
      --ignore-case                    Upper- and lower-case letters are
                                         considered as the same characters when
                                         comparing or matching paths. This is
                                         the default.
      --ignore-cvs-files               Ignore CVS files in the source root
                                         directory. This is the default.
      --ignore-svn-files               Ignore SVN files in the source root
                                         directory. This is the default.
      --ignore-temporary-files         Ignore well-known temporary files (e.g.
                                         **/?*~) in the source root directory.
                                         This is the default.
      --inherit-configuration=<FILE>   Inherits options from a configuration
                                         file. The options in the primary
                                         configuration file (-C) has higher
  -L, --log-file=<FILE>                Sets the log file. Use "none" (-L none)
                                         to disable logging. The default is
      --local-data=<SEQ>               Creates data that is visible only for
                                         certain templates. This is a list of
                                         case(...) and layer() function calls.
      --long-help                      Prints long help.
  -M, --modes=<SEQ>                    The list of TDD function calls that
                                         choose the file processing mode, e.g.:
                                         -M "ignore(**/tmp/), execute(**/*.htm,
                                         **/*.html), copy(**/*)"
      --not-expert                     Disables expert mode. This is the
      --number-format=<FORMAT>         The number format used to show numerical
                                         values. The default is 0.############
  -o, --output-file=<FILE>             The output file. This switches FMPP to
                                         single-file mode.
  -O, --output-root=<DIR>              Sets the root directory of output files.
      --object-wrapper=<BSH>           Specifies the ObjectWrapper to use with
                                         a BeanShell expression that must
                                         evaluate to an object that extends
                                         BeansWrapper. The default value is a
                                         BeansWrapper instance with
                                         simpleMapWrapper set to true.
      --output-encoding=<ENC>          The encoding of template output. Use the
                                         special value "source" if the encoding
                                         of the template file should be used.
                                         Use the special value "host" if the
                                         default encoding of the host machine
                                         should be used. The default is
      --print-locales                  Prints the locale codes that Java
                                         platform knows.
  -q, --quiet                          Don't write to the stdout, unless the
                                         command-line arguments are wrong.
                                         Print warning and error messages to
                                         the stderr.
  -Q, --really-quiet                   As -q, but doesn't even write to the
  -R, --remove-extensions=<SEQ>        These extensions will be removed from
                                         the output file name. <SEQ> contains
                                         the extensions without the dot.
      --remove-postfixes=<SEQ>         If the source file name without the
                                         extension ends with a string in the
                                         <SEQ>, then that string will be
                                         removed from the output file name.
      --replace-extensions=<SEQ>       Replaces the extensions with another
                                         exensions. The list contains the old
                                         and new extensions alternately; old1,
                                         new1, old2, new2, etc. The extensions
                                         in the <SEQ> do not contain the dot.
  -s, --stop-on-error                  Terminate fmpp on failed file
                                         processing. This is the default
                                         behaviour. Use -c to override this.
  -S, --source-root=<DIR>              Sets the root directory of source files.
                                         In bulk-mode it defaults to the
                                         current working directory.
      --snip                           Snip (--8<--) long messages. This is the
      --tag-syntax=<WHAT>              Sets the tag syntax for templates that
                                         doesn't start with the ftl directive.
                                         Possible values are: angleBracket,
                                         squareBracket, autoDetect. The default
                                         depends on the FreeMarker version. The
                                         recommended value is autoDetect.
      --time-format=<FORMAT>           The format used to show time values. The
                                         default is locale dependent.
      --time-zone=<ZONE>               Sets the time zone used to show time.
                                         The default is the time zone of the
                                         host machine. Example: GMT+02
      --turns=<SEQ>                    The list of turn(...)-s that choose the
                                         turns of processings, e.g.:
                                         --turns "turn(2, **/*_t2.*, ), turn(3,
                                         **/*_t3.*, **/*.toc)"
                                         By default all files will be procesed
                                         in the first turn.
  -U, --skip-unchanged=<WHAT>          Skip <WHAT> files if the source was not
                                         modified after the output file was
                                         last modified. <WHAT> can be "all",
                                         "none" or "static"
      --url-escaping-charset=<ENC>     The charset used for URL escaping. Use
                                         the special value "output" if the
                                         encoding of the output file should be
                                         used. The default is "output".
  -v, --verbose                        The opposite of -Q: prints everything to
                                         the stdout. This is the default.
      --validate-xml                   Sets that XML files will be validated by
      --version                        Prints version information.
  -x, --expert                         Expert mode.
      --xml-catalog-files=<SEQ>        Sets the catalog files used for XML
                                         entity resolution. Catalog based
                                         resolution is enabled if and only if
                                         this settings is specified.
      --xml-catalog-prefer=<WHAT>      Sets if catalog file based XML entity
                                         resolution prefers public or system
                                         identifiers. Valid values are: public,
                                         system, globalDefault. Defaults to
      --xml-renderings=<SEQ>           Sets the sequence of XML renderings.
                                         Each item is hash, that stores the
                                         options of an XML rendering
      --xpath-engine=<NAME>            Sets the XPath engine to be used. Legal
                                         values are: dontSet, default, jaxen,
                                         xalan, and any adapter class name.

Most of the above command-line options directly correspond to FMPP settings.
The detailed description of the FMPP settings is in the FMPP Manual.

Comment 7 Fedora End Of Life 2015-11-04 12:38:56 UTC
This message is a reminder that Fedora 21 is nearing its end of life.
Approximately 4 (four) weeks from now Fedora will stop maintaining
and issuing updates for Fedora 21. It is Fedora's policy to close all
bug reports from releases that are no longer maintained. At that time
this bug will be closed as EOL if it remains open with a Fedora  'version'
of '21'.

Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you
plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' 
to a later Fedora version.

Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that we were not 
able to fix it before Fedora 21 is end of life. If you would still like 
to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it against a later version 
of Fedora, you are encouraged  change the 'version' to a later Fedora 
version prior this bug is closed as described in the policy above.

Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's 
lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a 
more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes 
bugs or makes them obsolete.

Comment 8 Fedora End Of Life 2015-12-02 03:13:18 UTC
Fedora 21 changed to end-of-life (EOL) status on 2015-12-01. Fedora 21 is
no longer maintained, which means that it will not receive any further
security or bug fix updates. As a result we are closing this bug.

If you can reproduce this bug against a currently maintained version of
Fedora please feel free to reopen this bug against that version. If you
are unable to reopen this bug, please file a new report against the
current release. If you experience problems, please add a comment to this

Thank you for reporting this bug and we are sorry it could not be fixed.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.