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Bug 924984 - alpine: Does not support aarch64 in f19 and rawhide
Summary: alpine: Does not support aarch64 in f19 and rawhide
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: alpine
Version: rawhide
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Joshua Daniel Franklin
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
Blocks: ARM64, F-ExcludeArch-aarch64
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2013-03-23 00:00 UTC by Dennis Gilmore
Modified: 2014-06-23 15:45 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2013-12-07 14:03:21 UTC
Type: ---

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Dennis Gilmore 2013-03-23 00:00:06 UTC
Support for the ARM 64 bit CPU architecture (aarch64) was introduced in 
autoconf 2.69.  alpine appears to use an earlier version of 
autoconf, preventing its being built.  This can be fixed in of three ways (In order of preference):

1. Work with upstream to migrate the package to autoconf 2.69.

2. Rerun autoconf or autoreconf in %prep or %build prior to running 

3. Apply the patch at
which updates config.guess and config.sub to recognize aarch64.

Comment 1 Joshua Daniel Franklin 2013-03-23 00:49:07 UTC
Thanks. "upstream" may be changing, see BZ 838359

Comment 2 Eduardo Chappa 2013-03-24 17:39:39 UTC
Dear Joshua,

Are you (RedHat) distributing version 2.69 of autoconf? For how long have you been distributing it and what percentage of your users are using a distribution that supports autoconf 2.69?

If these numbers are not very high, probably the patch would be the way to go. I do not want to impose a requirement on something that is not really needed for most users. Alpine requires version 2.57 (from 2002), so moving to version 2.69 might not be the best idea today, but later on (where "later" is undefined as to when "later" arrives).

Do you have any thoughts?


Comment 3 Joshua Daniel Franklin 2013-03-25 14:14:38 UTC
Hi Eduardo,

Fedora 18 includes autoconf 2.69, the build system supports it, and it will be a requirement for ARM64 users.

While a low percentage of Fedora or Red Hat users have updated to autoconf 2.69 to support aarch64, generally users don't use autoconf, just the binaries or source we provide which already generated configure and so on. 

So the status at this point is that it seems like a good time for upstream to support the new aarch64 platform if possible. Otherwise we would need to rerun autoconf or autoreconf to build for this platform.

Comment 4 Joshua Daniel Franklin 2013-11-17 14:12:45 UTC

We've switch upstream, could we get the ARM 64 patch rebased against alpine 2.11 ?

A bunch of Hunks FAILED on this one.

Comment 5 Rex Dieter 2013-11-17 15:03:53 UTC
Being automake-based, fedora's new %configure macro should handle this automatically (it copies in fresh known-good versions of config.guess and config.sub and friends)

Comment 6 Joshua Daniel Franklin 2013-12-07 14:03:21 UTC
OK if this is handled automatically I'll close this bugzilla.

Comment 7 Dennis Gilmore 2014-06-23 15:45:28 UTC alpine is built fine

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