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Bug 928937 (qt-reviews) - Qt-related package review tracker
Summary: Qt-related package review tracker
Status: NEW
Alias: qt-reviews
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: distribution
Version: rawhide
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Rex Dieter
QA Contact: Rex Dieter
Depends On: 821406 858063 858065 qt5-qtbase, qt5-qtbase-review 891461 894954 qtchooser tupi qt5-qttools qt5-qtwebkit qt5-qtscript qt5-qtjsbackend qt5-qtquick1 qt5-qtdeclarative qt5-qtmultimedia qtgraphicaleffects qt5-qtimageformats qt5-qtsvg qt5-qtxmlpatterns screengrab qpdfview iris-kadu nomacs juffed pcmanfm-qt qxkb qlipper qtermwidget razorqt wkhtmltopdf-qt quiterss tea qterminal 979124 pyqt-mail-checker sddm 985065 987731 qtdbf 990940 999366 sfbm qt5-qtquickcontrols qt5-qtwayland qt5-qttranslations qt5-qtdoc qt5-qtconfiguration qt5-qtaccountsservice qt5-qtx11extras tuxcut festige hawaii-widget-styles eyesight 1032108 1037443 qtkeychain qt5-qtsensors qt5-qtserialport qt5-qtconnectivity 1048260 PyQt5, python-qt5 1057910 drawpile polkit-qt5-1 virt-sandbox-runner sni-qt 1080411 1101235 sayonara synthclone minutor 1123690 dee-qt 1146961 1151711 drumstick0 1157402 liblxqt-mount lxqt-common qca retext 1176658 qt5-qtwebsockets 1185002 kdocker novprog hexalate tetzle 1196367 simsu owncloud-client 1205458 1208582 usbguard-applet-qt qt5-qtwebchannel qt5-qt3d qt5-qtenginio qt5-qtcanvas3d 1244196 kf5-ktnef qbs 1273601 qtcurve 1281876 mumble libqtxdg-qt4 1291341 1293075 1293156 hawaii-workspace hawaii-system-preferences qt5-qtwebengine, qtwebengine qt5-qtquickcontrols2 qt5ct phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer 1336141 1338553 1339767 1343738 1354184 1356657 1356739 1357064 obconf-qt qtwebbrowser qt5-qtcharts qt5-qtserialbus 1360274 qt-installer-framework qt5-qtdeclarative-render2d pavucontrol-qt qt5-qtscxml qt5-qtgamepad qt5-qtwebview qt5-qtdatavis3d lxqt-build-tools marble-subsurface 1427085 1428202 qt5-doc 1448557 qt5-qtmidi qt5-qtspeech qt5-qtremoteobjects 1481628 1504591 1505052 1506011 1507104 1526479 1563831 termy-qt 1596801 1662532 qt5-qtnetworkauth pyqtwebengine 1745992 polkit-qt-1 qca-qt4 1977266
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2013-03-28 18:52 UTC by Rex Dieter
Modified: 2021-06-29 11:02 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Doc Type: Bug Fix
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Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Rex Dieter 2013-03-28 18:52:40 UTC
subject says it all, tracking bug for Qt-related package reviews

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