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Bug 100918 - redhat-credits causes audio distortion, but the ogg file by itself doesn't
Summary: redhat-credits causes audio distortion, but the ogg file by itself doesn't
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Linux Beta
Classification: Retired
Component: redhat-artwork
Version: beta1
Hardware: i386
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Alexander Larsson
QA Contact:
: 81209 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2003-07-27 03:03 UTC by George Karabin
Modified: 2007-04-18 16:56 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

Fixed In Version:
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Last Closed: 2003-08-08 14:22:29 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)
fixes the audio stuttering (deleted)
2003-07-27 03:09 UTC, George Karabin
no flags Details | Diff

Description George Karabin 2003-07-27 03:03:46 UTC
If I play /usr/share/redhat-credits.ogg with ogg123, it sounds nice a nice
guitar solo. If I run /usr/libexec/redhat-credits instead, I immediately hear a
low frequency ticking, at a couple of Hz. Then within a few seconds the guitar
begins to play, with the ticking accompanying it. It almost sounds like a drum
machine in the background - because the ticking isn't quite periodic it has some
rhythm to it.

P.S. Nice tune. Sounds like something that Margo of the Cowboy Junkies ought to
be singing to.

Comment 1 George Karabin 2003-07-27 03:09:08 UTC
Created attachment 93172 [details]
fixes the audio stuttering

All of the console output that ogg123 is generating is returnin a ton of error
messages, given the high rate at which it writes to the console. Using dup2 and
/dev/null is much more smooth - apparently it's a lot more expensive to write
to a nonexisting file handle than an existing one.

On my 1GHz Athlon, this is definitely noticeable. Maybe different grades of
hardware don't see the problem, maybe they do. In any case, a patch that makes
the program much more smooth is attached. :)

Comment 2 Miloslav Trmac 2003-07-27 21:20:22 UTC
Doh! I was suspecting the kernel...
What really happens is that the ogg123 uses file descriptor 2 for /dev/dsp
(because of the close (1), close (2) that shouldn't be there), and is sending
its status information with the sound data.

Comment 3 Miloslav Trmac 2003-07-27 21:23:10 UTC
*** Bug 81209 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 4 George Karabin 2003-07-27 22:21:14 UTC
Oops - yeah, that's what's going on. The "error message" theory was obviously a
product of sleep deprivation.... :)

Comment 5 Havoc Pennington 2003-07-28 00:39:55 UTC
Indeed, this looks like the right patch.
Doh. Fortunately I don't think I wrote that part of the code ;-)

Comment 6 Alexander Larsson 2003-08-06 09:48:43 UTC
I checked in the fix. It'll be in the next redhat-artwork build.

Comment 7 Alexander Larsson 2003-08-08 14:22:29 UTC
Fixed in 0.78-1

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