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Bug 105825 - HWADDR/nameif broken with NETWORKING_IPV6=yes
Summary: HWADDR/nameif broken with NETWORKING_IPV6=yes
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: initscripts
Version: rawhide
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Bill Nottingham
QA Contact: Brock Organ
Depends On:
Blocks: CambridgeTarget
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2003-09-28 05:33 UTC by Dax Kelson
Modified: 2014-03-17 02:39 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2006-05-05 20:30:37 UTC
Type: ---

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Dax Kelson 2003-09-28 05:33:21 UTC
Description of problem:

My laptop has the following /etc/mactab:

eth0 00:08:74:46:26:9D
eth1 00:02:2D:6C:97:4E
eth2 00:0B:FD:C6:4C:AD
eth3 00:10:A4:E1:52:8A

eth0 == builtin PCI 3com 10/100 nic
eth1 == builtin PCMCIA (internal socket 2) Orinoco wireless
eth2 == insertable Cisco Aironet 350 wireless nic
eth3 == insertable Xircom RealPort 10/100 nic

Everything seems to work as expected (yah!) except when I add the following to
the /etc/sysconfig/network file:


And then boot/reboot the computer with the Xircom inserted. The Xircom comes up
as eth1 (instead of the desired eth3) and my Orinoco as eth2 (instead of the
desired eth1).

If I remove the line NETWORKIG_IPV6 everything comes as desired with the Xircom

Comment 1 Dax Kelson 2003-09-28 05:35:01 UTC
I forgot to mention that my ifcfg-ethX files all have appropriate HWADDR lines.

Comment 2 Bill Nottingham 2003-09-29 04:18:27 UTC
Hm, ok. Does it fail only with 'service network start', or also with just
bringing the interface up by hand?

'sh -x ifup <whatever>' in that case would be nice.

Comment 3 Dax Kelson 2003-09-29 05:04:37 UTC
It seems to fail in both cases. It is 100% reproducible here.

service network start
ifup eth3

However, using sh -x isn't trivial since this is a PCMCIA nic and when I
physical insert the nic, the ifup is run automatically via hotplug.

I'll go hack on hotplug not to bring it up automatically and get your debug for you.

Another (maybe related??) oddity is that my NICs have link-local IPv6 addresses
even when I don't have NETWORKING_IPV6=yes. I can file a bug on this if you
wish. Regardless, HWADDR/nameif works works without NETWORKING_IPV6, and doesn't
work with it.

Comment 4 Aleksandar Milivojevic 2003-12-22 15:57:29 UTC
Hi Dax,

I've just submited bug report for IPv6 addresses assigned regardless
of NETWORKING_IPV6 setting.  Than I found your bug report.  I guess
this two bugs might be related, on the other hand, maybe they are not.

Comment 5 Bill Nottingham 2004-06-07 19:57:59 UTC
Out of curiousity, does this work at all differently  with FC2?

Comment 6 Pekka Savola 2004-10-17 10:15:15 UTC
FWIW.. I don't really understand the logic of nameif, and you'll 
probably face problems if you want to name them ethX (where ethX might 
already exist).. 

I guess the fundamental issue here is that nameif only works under 
certain circumstances (not sure which exactly, the device must not be 
UP at least -- else it gives 'Device or resource busy').

So, my guess would be that loading the IPv6 module somehow interferes 
with that.

For example when v6 link-local addresses are configured 
(automatically), the interface can no longer be re-named (not sure, 
not checked) ?

If that theory is correct then:

 1) when run through 'service network start', init.ipv6-global gets 
called before IPv4 has been activated, and it loads up IPv6, which 
gets immediately activated when the interface is brought up

 2) when running 'ifup eth3' or the like, IPv6 has already been loaded 
 through another interface, 'jamming' eth3 right after the network 
driver has been loaded but IPv4 addresses haven't been configured yet.

If I'd have to guess, I'd guess that nameif doesn't work when v6 
link-local addresses have been configured on the interface.  Then I'd 
investigate whether it would be possible to make it work, because 
disabling the link-local addresses is practically not doable.

Comment 7 Bill Nottingham 2005-04-28 22:22:57 UTC
Does this still happen with FC3?

Comment 8 John Thacker 2006-05-05 20:30:37 UTC
Closing due to lack of response.  If this still occurs in FC4 or FC5,
please reopen.

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