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Bug 1352326 - apiextractor: update to latest git ("0.10.11") to fix shiboken FTBS
Summary: apiextractor: update to latest git ("0.10.11") to fix shiboken FTBS
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: apiextractor
Version: 26
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Felix Schwarz
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
Blocks: 1240001 1320653
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2016-07-03 19:58 UTC by Felix Schwarz
Modified: 2018-02-10 11:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
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Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2018-02-10 11:23:01 UTC
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)
proposed spec patch (deleted)
2016-07-03 19:58 UTC, Felix Schwarz
no flags Details | Diff

Description Felix Schwarz 2016-07-03 19:58:58 UTC
Created attachment 1175670 [details]
proposed spec patch

The current version of apiextractor leads to a FTBS for shiboken. I was able to build shiboken on F24 with the new version.

Comment 1 Felix Schwarz 2016-07-03 20:03:22 UTC
Please note that I don't really know much about the inner workings of Shiboken / PySide / apiextractor / generatorrunner and I really don't have much time (I'm already neglecting my other Fedora packages).

However I develop a PySide-based application as part of my $PAIDWORK on Fedora so I can justify spending a bit of time fixing simple issues where the patch is obvious or available elsewhere.

So if you would accept me as a co-maintainer I could do the git pushing myself.

Comment 2 Felix Schwarz 2016-08-08 10:09:25 UTC
I decided that I should maintain my local patches for Python 3 compatibility in Fedora so it might benefit also other users. Therefore I requested commit access in the package DB (I am already sponsored) and I'd be glad if you could grant that request so I can push my changes (see my previous attachement 1175670).

Comment 3 Felix Schwarz 2016-12-27 10:34:52 UTC
Actually I found that shiboken 1.2.4 can be built (for Python 2) without the git revision of apiextractor. As I worked on this half a year ago I don't remember all the details anymore but the change might be required to build a Python 3 subpackage for shiboken.

Unblocking bug 1308126 but marking as "blocks bug 1320653" so this is not forgotten.

Comment 4 Felix Schwarz 2016-12-27 10:36:39 UTC
Also I won't add a Python 3 package for shiboken in F24, just rawhide (and likely F25) so updating the version field here as well...

Comment 5 Fedora End Of Life 2017-02-28 09:59:46 UTC
This bug appears to have been reported against 'rawhide' during the Fedora 26 development cycle.
Changing version to '26'.

Comment 6 Felix Schwarz 2018-02-10 11:23:01 UTC
I believe this is actually not necessary for shiboken, so let's stay at the current stable release even though it is somehow "ancient". When switching to pyside2 (+ updated shiboken from their tree) we can always revisit this.

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