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Bug 1953254 - Review Request: SLiMgui - an evolutionary simulation framework
Summary: Review Request: SLiMgui - an evolutionary simulation framework
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: Package Review
Version: rawhide
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2021-04-25 01:45 UTC by bryce.a.carson
Modified: 2021-05-09 10:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed:
Type: ---

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description bryce.a.carson 2021-04-25 01:45:31 UTC
Spec URL:
Description: SLiM is an evolutionary simulation framework that combines a powerful engine for population genetic simulations with the capability of modeling arbitrarily complex evolutionary scenarios. Simulations are configured via the integrated Eidos scripting language that allows interactive control over practically every aspect of the simulated evolutionary scenarios. The underlying individual-based simulation engine is highly optimized to enable modeling of entire chromosomes in large populations. We also provide a graphical user interface on macOS and Linux for easy simulation set-up, interactive runtime control, and dynamical visualization of simulation output.
Fedora Account System Username: bacarson

This is my first package and I need a sponsor. I have maintained this package for several months, for EPEL, CentOS, Fedora, and openSUSE, on Copr as `SLiM`. I also maintain a build and installation script for Debian & Ubuntu, while I am in the process of creating a native Debian package.

The package name "SLiM", which is used by users from my Copr, conflicts with Simple Login Manager (which is packaged as "slim"), as does a binary file name (`/usr/bin/slim`). This package, `SLiMgui`, addresses those conflicts and prepares the SLiMgui package for submission to the official Fedora repository, hence this review request.

The conflicting binary file name has been renamed, temporarily, to `SLiMcli`. This conflict has been explained to the upstream developer here: Until Ben Haller, the software developer, provides feedback on his preference (to rename the binary or not), or we hear from, or, this rename is temporary and I consider it blocking.

The new package, with all necessary changes (and the temporarily renamed binary), has been uploaded as a new build to my Copr here:

Comment 1 bryce.a.carson 2021-04-25 01:55:08 UTC
The new build, SLiMgui, failed on openSUSE because of this RPM macro: %{_metainfodir}. I will switch back to using `/usr/share/metainfo` as that directory is the same across all distributions I package for. If this is a blocker, which I doubt, then I'll need to make installation of the metainfo file conditional on the distribution and determine what macro is usable on openSUSE, or only use a hardcoded directory for openSUSE.

In my self-introduction to the devel mailing list, I stated that I had not submitted the package to Bugzilla yet. This is now false. :)

I will update the upstream developer, informing them that I have uploaded the package to Copr as a test build (and end-users will be unawares) and that I have made a review request here. :)


Bryce Carson.

Comment 2 bryce.a.carson 2021-04-25 02:18:16 UTC
Successful Fedora 35, Rawhide, build here:

Successful builds for other versions of Fedora previous (32 through 34), EPEL 8, CentOS 7, and openSUSE are visible on the Copr previously linked.

Comment 3 bryce.a.carson 2021-04-25 15:50:35 UTC

Comment 4 bryce.a.carson 2021-04-27 05:46:42 UTC
I should note here that the upstream developer does not wish to rename the conflicting binary.

Comment 5 Kevin Fenzi 2021-04-29 03:36:03 UTC
No need to needinfo the review list. :)

Comment 6 bryce.a.carson 2021-04-29 05:56:26 UTC
Okay, thanks for the edit. Let me know if you're reviewing the package or if there is anything I can provide.

Comment 7 Robert-André Mauchin 🐧 2021-05-09 09:32:16 UTC
 - Capitalize the Summary:

Summary:        An evolutionary simulation framework

 - Use a better name for your archive:


 - The patch in the SRC.RPM seems broken, you could use a direct link for that:

# Fixes a compilation issue on Fedora 34; fixed upstream for next release.

 - Don't mix Suse stuff in a Fedora SPEC

 - Constrain the version here:

BuildRequires:  qt5-qtbase-devel  >= 5.9.5

 - Are you sure the ExclusiveArch is needed, have you tested other arches?

 - I don't see why this is necessary:

# Fedora: these package versions are those that COPR is building against, and thus if
# they change because of point releases in Qt5, the RPMs need to be rebuilt and deployed.
# Qt is weird and doesn't allow older software to be used if a newer point release is
# installed on the system.
%if 0%{?fedora}
%if 0%{?fedora} == 31
Requires: qt5-qtbase == 5.13.2
%if 0%{?fedora} == 32
Requires: qt5-qtbase == 5.14.2
# Qt5 5.15.2 is the final version; Qt6 is not tested with SLiM.
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 33
Requires: qt5-qtbase == 5.15.2
# If not installing on Fedora
# Conditonal requires for RHEL (and CentOS)
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8
Requires: qt5-qtbase == 5.12.5
# Conditional requires for openSUSE and SLE.
# openSUSE Leap 15.2 and SLE 15 (and all service packs)
%if %{defined suse_version}
%if %{defined suse_version} == 1500
Requires: libqt5-qtbase == 5.12.7
# openSUSE Tumbleweed
%if %{defined suse_version} >= 1550
Requires: libqt5-qtbase == 5.15.2
# The minimum version of Qt5 required to run SLiMgui is 5.9.5, however this does not actually assure that the system will install the same version of Qt5 that it was built against; an end-user may install a more recent Qt5 if, for isntance, openSUSE Leap 15.3 builds against Qt 5.12.7 and the user upgrades to 5.15.2 when it is available. This is strange, but we can't protect against every edge-case.
Requires: qt5-qtbase >= 5.9.5

Point releases don't matter, what matters is the major soname version of the libraries it was built against (5 for Qt 5). There is no need to rebuild anything unless that soname is changed.

 - No:

tar -xf ../SOURCES/v%{version}.tar.gz # Decompresses to 'SLiM-[version macro]'

Either use %autosetup -p1 or %setup -q:

%autosetup -p1 -n SLiM-%{version}

Then remove all the ./SLiM-%{version}/ prefix as it is now the base directory for the next instructions.

 - This isn't how you apply a patch:

# The patch is successfully applied, as demonstrated by successful builds on Fedora 34 on Copr.
# rpmlint likes to complain because we're not using the patch macro.
patch ./SLiM-%{version}/eidos/robin_hood.h < ../SOURCES/fedora34.patch

If you use %autosetup -p1, the patching is automatically handled.
If you use %setup -q, then add:

%patch0 -p1

 - Use the %cmake macro to use Fedora default build flags:


 - Then use:


instead of:


 - Slight change due to the use of %cmake:

# Binaries
pushd %{_vpath_builddir}
install -p --mode=0755 --target-directory %{buildroot}%{_bindir} eidos SLiMgui
install -p --mode=0755 --no-target-directory slim %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/SLiMcli # Rename the binary so that it does not conflict with Simple Login Manager.

 - Use install with -p to keep the files timestamps

 - Use macros instead of hard-coded directories:

/usr/bin/ -> %{_bindir}/
/usr/share/ -> %{_datadir}/

 - This is not needed:

update-mime-database -n /usr/share/mime/
xdg-mime install --mode system /usr/share/mime/packages/org.messerlab.slimgui-mime.xml

Proposed SPEC:

Name:           SLiMgui
Version:        3.6
Release:        5%{?dist}
Summary:        An evolutionary simulation framework

License:        GPLv3+

# Fixes a compilation issue on Fedora 34; fixed upstream for next release.

BuildRequires:  cmake
BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires:  qt5-qtbase-devel >= 5.9.5
BuildRequires:  libappstream-glib
Requires:       hicolor-icon-theme
# This is preferred to listing each architecture that SLiM cannot compile upon and 
# filing Bugzilla tickets for each, as the Fedora Packaging Guidelines imply should 
# be done. Upstream determines multiarch capabilities.
ExclusiveArch:  x86_64

SLiM is an evolutionary simulation framework that combines a powerful engine for
population genetic simulations with the capability of modeling arbitrarily
complex evolutionary scenarios. Simulations are configured via the integrated
Eidos scripting language that allows interactive control over practically every
aspect of the simulated evolutionary scenarios. The underlying individual-based
simulation engine is highly optimized to enable modeling of entire chromosomes
in large populations. We also provide a graphical user interface on macOS and
Linux for easy simulation set-up, interactive runtime control, and dynamical
visualization of simulation output.

%autosetup -p1 -n SLiM-%{version}

# The packaging guidelines recommend LUA or Python, but sed is POSIX and SUS,
# so the dependency chain needn't really BuildRequires: sed. Moreover, this
# is extremely basic 'scripting'.
# Create a symbolic icon from the provided SVG
# SVG object data structure:
#    <rect
#       y="0"
#       x="0"
#       height="16"
#       width="16"
#       id="rect31"
#       style="fill:#000000" />
sed -i '69,166 s/"fill:#[[:alnum:]]*"/"fill:#ffffff"/' QtSLiM/icons/AppIcon16.svg
sed -i '62,68 d' QtSLiM/icons/AppIcon16.svg


mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/{scalable/apps,scalable/mimetypes,symbolic/apps}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/{applications/,metainfo/,mime/packages/}

# Binaries
pushd %{_vpath_builddir}
install -p --mode=0755 --target-directory %{buildroot}%{_bindir} eidos SLiMgui
install -p --mode=0755 --no-target-directory slim %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/SLiMcli # Rename the binary so that it does not conflict with Simple Login Manager.

# Colourful and Symbolic Application Icons
install -p --mode=0644 --no-target-directory QtSLiM/icons/AppIcon64.svg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.messerlab.slimgui.svg
install -p --mode=0644 --no-target-directory QtSLiM/icons/AppIcon16.svg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/org.messerlab.slimgui-symbolic.svg

# slim Mimetype Icon
install -p --mode=0644 --no-target-directory QtSLiM/icons/DocIcon.svg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/mimetypes/text-slim.svg

# Desktop Entry and Appstream XMLs
install -p --mode=0644 org.messerlab.slimgui-mime.xml --target-directory %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/mime/packages/
desktop-file-install --mode=0644 --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/ org.messerlab.slimgui.desktop
install -p --mode=0644 org.messerlab.slimgui.appdata.xml --target-directory %{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}/

# Annoyingly, Blender's appstream XML points to https and will always produce output if installed.
appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}/org.messerlab.slimgui.appdata.xml


* Sat Apr 24 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.6-5
- Preparing the package for submission to Bugzilla for Fedora's official repository.
- Changed from using `cp` to `install` with proper mode bits for files.
- Changed from using `cp` to `desktop-file-install` for .desktop file, as per Fedora packaging guidelines.
- Changed from hardcoded source directories, such as "SLiM-3.6", to "SLiM-[version macro]" in prep, build, and install. The change is also made in Source0.
- Changed from hardcoding the metainfo directory to using the preferred [_metainfodir] macro.
- General grammar and spelling improvements throughout the spec file.
- Fixed contributor URI (email) in the changelog entry for 3.6-4, changing from localhost.localdomain to my email address. I don't know why that changelog entry was wrong in that manner.
- Included additional comments to clarify decisions in packaging.
- Renamed the slim binary to SLiMcli, to prevent conflict with Simple Login Manager; the capitalization is the preferred 'typography' of upstream, and appending 'cli' seems a sensible change to complement 'SLiMgui'. Upstream has not been consulted as of this changelog entry. Will consult before package submission.
- Requires: for Fedora now uses >= 33, as all versions should use Qt 5.15.2, the highest version of Qt5 available from the Qt Company, as far as I know.

* Sat Mar 20 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.6-4
- Added support for openSUSE (with SUSE Linux Enterprise users possibly able to use the openSUSE RPM).
- Cleaned up the changelog.
- The `[<jobs>]` argument to the cmake `--parallel` option was removed, so that Copr uses the default number of concurrent processes (and hopefully the maximum number, rather than hardcoding eight processes).

* Wed Mar 3 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.6-3
- Application of patch to allow building on Fedora 34 and Fedora Rawhide.

* Wed Mar 3 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.6-2
- Specified required Qt 5.15.2 on Fedora 34.
- Added package version in previous changelog entry.

* Wed Mar 3 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.6-1
- New package release.
- Removed source edits that were addressed upstream.

* Sun Jan 31 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.5-6
- spec file improvements; brace expansion used and sorting performed.
- FreeDesktop compliance improvements; the organization domain and application name are corrected and are now compliant.
- Source modifications allow Gnome Classic to display the proper application name.
- The symbolic application icon is now created programmatically from upstream icons in the source, rather than a second source file.

* Thu Jan 28 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.5-5
- org.messerlab.slimgui.desktop changed in prep to correct Categories value; fixes desktop integration on Fedora 33 when using Gnome Classic environment.
- New symbolic icon included; improves desktop integration on Fedora 33 when using Gnome 3 with Wayland.
- Edited the changelog to not refer to the prep stage as a macro, simply "prep", to fix rpmlint warnings.

* Thu Jan 14 2021 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.5-4
- org.messerlab.slimgui.desktop changed in prep to correct StartupWMClass and icon; fixes desktop integration on Fedora 33.
- Sorted changelog in descending chronological order.

* Sun Dec 06 2020 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.5-3
- Updated the requires in the .spec file (and thus the package dependencies) to reflect updates to Qt5 on Fedora 33.
- Qt5 5.15.2 now required on Fedora 33.

* Sun Dec 06 2020 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.5-2
- Changed the tar command in .spec file to address discrepancy between GitHub archive URI and downloaded source archive.

* Sun Dec 06 2020 Bryce Carson <bryce.a.carson> - 3.5-1
- Created new release package
- Differences from 3.4-8 include removal of necessary source modifications for 3.4
- The source modifications for 3.4 were addressed by the upstream

Comment 8 Robert-André Mauchin 🐧 2021-05-09 10:23:37 UTC
Also explicitly add gcc-c++ as a BuildRequires

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