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Bug 204598 - Review Request: geda-gschem - Electronics schematics editor
Summary: Review Request: geda-gschem - Electronics schematics editor
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: Package Review
Version: rawhide
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Mamoru TASAKA
QA Contact: Fedora Package Reviews List
: 177108 (view as bug list)
Depends On: 204168 204263 204423
Blocks: FE-ACCEPT 204601
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2006-08-30 10:55 UTC by Chitlesh GOORAH
Modified: 2008-12-23 03:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2006-09-05 14:43:14 UTC
Type: ---
kevin: fedora-cvs+

Attachments (Terms of Use)
gdb log of gschem (deleted)
2006-09-03 08:11 UTC, Mamoru TASAKA
no flags Details

Description Chitlesh GOORAH 2006-08-30 10:55:42 UTC
Spec URL:
Gschem is an electronics schematic editor. It is part of the gEDA project.

Comment 1 Chitlesh GOORAH 2006-08-30 10:59:33 UTC
*** Bug 177108 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 2 Chitlesh GOORAH 2006-08-30 11:08:11 UTC
Mamoru: once you've installed geda-gschem, surely you will have to install
geda-symbols first, 

gschem &
Add > component
(you will see the symbols )

Then you might want an example, open any .sch from /usr/share/gEDA/examples/

Comment 3 Mamoru TASAKA 2006-08-31 15:48:07 UTC
First review of geda-gschem :

1. From :

   * Naming
     - Maybe is more
     suitable for URL .

   * Use rpmlint
     E: geda-gschem devel-dependency libgeda-devel
     E: geda-gschem explicit-lib-dependency libgeda-devel
     E: geda-gschem explicit-lib-dependency libstroke-devel
     Please explain why this package (geda-gschem) should
     depend on libstroke-devel and libgeda-devel.

   * BuildRequires:
     - gtk2-devel, guile-devel, gd-devel
                            <- required by libgeda-devel
     - gettext-devel ... is this really required?
     - mesa-libGL-devel ... also, is this really required?
       .... by my mock build, gettext-devel and 
            mesa-libGL-devel seems unnecessary.

   * Encoding
     - /usr/share/doc/geda-gschem-20060123/AUTHORS is encoded in
     ISO-8859-1 and includes non-ascii character(s). Change the
     encoding to UTF-8.

   * Desktop files
     - Well, according to ,
     update-desktop-database seems to be needed when desktop
     file includes mimetype key.

   * Using %{buildroot} and %{optflags} vs 
     - Mixed use is found. Please unify the usage.

   * Timestamps
     - Well, this package have many text files and xpm files
       so keeping timestamps is desirable.
       Again, try to keep timestamps (does this package accept
       'make INSTALL="install -p" install' ?)

   * File and Directory Ownership
     Umm... this is somewhat complicated..... Please recheck
     the owning issue of directories.

     - the directory %{_datadir}/gEDA/bitmap is owned by
       both geda-gsymcheck and geda-gschem.
       - geda-gsymcheck has only the directory and does not have
         any files under the directory. 
         So the entry  %dir %{_datadir}/gEDA/bitmap can be 
         removed from geda-gsymcheck.
       - Or, if the trick written above is not desirable, the
         owner of  %dir %{_datadir}/gEDA/bitma  should be
         geda-symbols as both geda-gsymcheck and geda-gschem
         requires geda-symbols.

2. From :
   = Nothing.

3. Other things I have noticed:
   = Nothing.

Comment 5 Mamoru TASAKA 2006-09-02 12:07:08 UTC
Second review for geda-gschem.

1. From :

   * Encoding
     - iconv -f EUCJP -t UTF8 AUTHORS.tmp > AUTHORS && \
     Well... not EUCJP but ISO-8859-1 at this case.

   * Desktop files
     - Well: fedora-gschem.desktop has the entry:


     However, no icons are included in this package. Also,
     geda.png is included in geda rpm. If you want to use this
     png file, this bug must be blocked by bug 204259 and
     Requires: geda is needed.

     Perhaps you don't want this. So
     + Copy some png (or xpm) file and include it in this package.
       ( or you can use xpm file included in this package ).
     + Install the image file into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/......
       as gschem.{png,xpm} (or use link)
     + Call gtk-update-icon-cache on %post and %postun.

   = File and Directory Ownership is now solved.

2. From :
   = Nothing.

3. Other things I have noticed:
   = Nothing.


Comment 7 Mamoru TASAKA 2006-09-02 13:17:35 UTC

* As for Source2:
  Please specify the URL from which this png file can be gained, and
  if you did some action (like image type conversion) to create this
  png file, explain it briefly.

* install -m 644 examples/*.sch %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/gEDA/examples
  install -m 644 examples/README.* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/gEDA/examples
  install -m 644 scheme/*.scm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/gEDA/scheme

  Use "install -p"

Well, I want to recheck this once more. Please upload the new spec
and srpm and I will check them (perhaps it is a final check).

Comment 9 Mamoru TASAKA 2006-09-03 08:11:59 UTC
Created attachment 135454 [details]
gdb log of gschem


20060123-6 seems to cause SEGV. Seems 100% reproducible
by the following steps.

1. cp /usr/share/gEDA/examples/adders_1.sch to current directory.
2. execute "gschem ./adders_1.sch"
3. Choose "File -> Quit"
- Then gschem causes SEGV.

I attach gdb log of this. Can you see the reason, or will you
contact the upstream about this?

Comment 10 Chitlesh GOORAH 2006-09-04 12:13:25 UTC
Upstream contacted!

Will you approuved the package though?
or rather opt for using an equivalent to geda-gschem,  xcircuit though it hasn't
the same features.

Comment 11 Mamoru TASAKA 2006-09-04 15:20:03 UTC

Upstream closed this bug? Upstream says:

This is the slice memory bug when running with gtk+ 2.8 or
later.  Fixed in new release of gEDA/gaf 20060824.  Please
upgrade  -Ales

.... What is gEDA/gaf? What component (released as Fedora Extras
rpm) corresponds to gEDA/gaf? I would want to try it if it really
fixes this SEGV problem.

Comment 12 Chitlesh GOORAH 2006-09-04 20:41:40 UTC
Spec URL:

It doesn't segment on Exit

(In reply to comment #11)

> .... What is gEDA/gaf? What component (released as Fedora Extras
> rpm) corresponds to gEDA/gaf? I would want to try it if it really
> fixes this SEGV problem.

gaf stands for “gschem and friends”. It is a subset of the entire tool suite
grouped together under the gEDA name. gEDA/gaf is a collection of tools which
currently includes:

    * gschem: A schematic capture program
    * gnetlist: A netlist generation program
    * gsymcheck: A syntax checker for schematic symbols
    * gattrib: A spreadsheet programm that manipulates the properties of symbols
of a schematic
    * libgeda: Libraries for gschem gnetlist and gsymcheck
    * gsch2pcb: Forward annotation from your schematic to layout using PCB.
    * some minor utils

Comment 13 Chitlesh GOORAH 2006-09-04 20:50:13 UTC
In case, mirrors haven't yet been updated:

Comment 14 Mamoru TASAKA 2006-09-05 07:08:42 UTC
Okay. No SEGV.

Now this package is APPROVED by me.

Comment 15 Chitlesh GOORAH 2008-12-21 19:39:38 UTC
New Package CVS Request
Package Name: geda-gschem
Short Description: Electronics schematics editor
Owners: chitlesh
Branches: EL-5

Comment 16 Kevin Fenzi 2008-12-23 03:23:06 UTC
cvs done.

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