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Bug 217299 - Problem with /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet
Summary: Problem with /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: xkeyboard-config
Version: 6
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kristian Høgsberg
QA Contact:
Depends On: 237369
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2006-11-26 18:51 UTC by Patrick
Modified: 2018-04-11 11:50 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2008-01-15 14:40:21 UTC
Type: ---

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated 7095 0 None None None Never

Description Patrick 2006-11-26 18:51:57 UTC
In section logitech_base, the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet contains 
XF86AudioMedia and XF86AudioRaiseVolume twice. This prevented me from using 
the corresponding keys under KDE. Commenting one occurance resolved the 

Comment 1 Marcin Garski 2007-04-21 13:17:19 UTC
This bug is fixed in xkeyboard-config-0.9.

Comment 2 Matěj Cepl 2007-10-31 21:40:34 UTC
Reporter, could you confirm comment 1? Are you able to reproduce the issue with
the latest upgraded version of FC6 (or any later distro)?

Comment 3 Matěj Cepl 2007-12-10 09:23:16 UTC
Fedora Core 6 is no longer supported, could you please reproduce this with the
updated version of the currently supported distribution (Fedora 7, 8, or
Rawhide)? If this issue turns out to still be reproducible, please let us know
in this bug report. If after a month's time we have not heard back from you, we
will have to close this bug as CANTFIX.

Setting status to NEEDINFO, and awaiting information from the reporter.

[This is mass-filed message to all open Fedora Core 6 bugs related to Xorg or
Gecko. If you see any other reason, why this bug shouldn't be closed, please,
comment on it here.]

Comment 4 Matěj Cepl 2008-01-15 14:40:21 UTC
Since there are insufficient details provided in this report for us to
investigate the issue further, and we have not received feedback to the
information we have requested above, we will assume the problem was not
reproducible, or has been fixed in one of the updates we have released for the
reporter's distribution.

Users who have experienced this problem are encouraged to upgrade to the latest
update of their distribution, and if this issue turns out to still be
reproducible in the latest update, please reopen this bug with additional


{This is mass-closing of all obsolete bugs; if this bug was in your opinion
closed by mistake, please, reopen it with additional information; thanks a lot
and I am sorry for bothering you in such case.}

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