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Bug 2183038 - Rebuild to pull in cryptographic fixes for RPM (bug 2170878)
Summary: Rebuild to pull in cryptographic fixes for RPM (bug 2170878)
Alias: None
Product: Fedora Container Images
Classification: Fedora
Component: fedora-toolbox
Version: 38
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Debarshi Ray
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Whiteboard: AcceptedFreezeException
Depends On:
Blocks: F38FinalFreezeException 2170878
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2023-03-30 09:44 UTC by Boyd
Modified: 2023-07-04 10:45 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

Fixed In Version: fedora-toolbox-38-15
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2023-07-04 10:45:24 UTC
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Bugzilla 2170878 0 unspecified CLOSED Insecure installed RPMs (like Google Chrome) prevent system updates in F38, can't be removed 2023-10-06 18:41:12 UTC

Description Boyd 2023-03-30 09:44:05 UTC
Description of problem:  Seems to have issue related to

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:
Install certain 3rd party packages fails.  Not possible to --nogpgcheck or --force rpm install

Steps to Reproduce:

1. toolbox create toolbox --release 38
2. toolbox enter fedora-toolbox-38
3. su -
4. dnf update -y
5. enable copr agriffis/neovim-nightly
6. dnf install python3-neovim

Actual results:
Problem opening package python3-neovim-
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
Error: GPG check FAILED
⬢[root@toolbox ~]#

Expected results:
Install package successfully.

Additional info:

Comment 1 Debarshi Ray 2023-03-30 18:10:34 UTC
Thanks for testing out the fedora-toolbox:38 image.

(In reply to Boyd from comment #0)
> Additional info:
> install-update-remove-due-to-security-policies-verification/70379/23

Yeah, it's been a month since the fedora-toolbox images were last rebuilt, and the images for Fedora 38 are missing the fixes for bug 2170878 which was marked as a Fedora 38 blocker.

Even under normal circumstances, it's time to rebuild them again, especially the one for Fedora 38 because of the Beta freeze, but this makes it really critical.  Unfortunately, the 'fedpkg container-build' is currently broken:

Comment 2 Debarshi Ray 2023-04-03 14:19:05 UTC
I don't know why Bodhi didn't notify this bug, but a new image build was done three days ago:

Testing and karma welcome.

Comment 3 Geoffrey Marr 2023-04-03 20:33:49 UTC
Discussed during the 2023-04-03 blocker review meeting: [0]

The decision to classify this bug as an "AcceptedFreezeException (Final)" was made as it'd be good to have the known cryptographic issues fixed in the toolbox image.


Comment 4 Jens Petersen 2023-04-12 03:48:25 UTC
This is actually fixed in the new fedora-toolbox-38-15 build (pushed yesterday - note it is actually already stable).

The previous fedora-toolbox-38-14 build probably didn't include the crypto fix yet.

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