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Bug 643449 - Retrieving cert chain on unsecure port fails
Summary: Retrieving cert chain on unsecure port fails
Alias: None
Product: Dogtag Certificate System
Classification: Retired
Component: CA
Version: 1.3
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Matthew Harmsen
QA Contact: Ben Levenson
Depends On:
Blocks: dogtagIPAv2
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2010-10-15 16:09 UTC by Rob Crittenden
Modified: 2020-03-27 20:12 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-03-27 20:12:23 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)
IPA install log (deleted)
2010-10-22 14:11 UTC, Rob Crittenden
no flags Details

Description Rob Crittenden 2010-10-15 16:09:47 UTC
Description of problem:

Tested on Fedora 14.

Trying to retrieve the CA chain on the unsecure CA port fails with:

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Please consult your local administrator for further assistance. The Certificate System logs may provide further information.

The debug log holds no information on the failure:

[15/Oct/2010:12:07:33][http-9180-Processor24]: CMSServlet:service() uri = /ca/ee/ca/getCertChain
[15/Oct/2010:12:07:33][http-9180-Processor24]: CMSServlet: caGetCertChain start to service.

The system log has this:

11746.main - [15/Oct/2010:11:38:12 EDT] [3] [3] Cannot build CA chain. Error Certificate is not a PKCS #11 certificate
11746.main - [15/Oct/2010:11:38:13 EDT] [13] [3] authz instance DirAclAuthz initialization failed and skipped, error=Property internaldb.ldapconn.port missing value
11746.http-9445-Processor19 - [15/Oct/2010:11:41:12 EDT] [3] [3] Cannot build CA chain. Error Certificate is not a PKCS #11 certificate
11746.http-9445-Processor21 - [15/Oct/2010:11:44:19 EDT] [3] [3] CASigningUnit: Object certificate not found. Error org.mozilla.jss.crypto.ObjectNotFoundException

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


Steps to Reproduce:
1. /usr/bin/pkicreate -pki_instance_root /var/lib -pki_instance_name pki-ca -subsystem_type ca -agent_secure_port 9443 -ee_secure_port 9444 -admin_secure_port 9445 -ee_secure_client_auth_port 9446 -unsecure_port 9180 -tomcat_server_port 9701 -redirect conf=/etc/pki-ca -redirect logs=/var/log/pki-ca
2. Install 389-ds instance
3. Go to URL per pkicreate output and set up an instance
4. curl http://localhost:9180/ca/ee/ca/getCertChain

Comment 3 Rob Crittenden 2010-10-22 14:03:45 UTC
The curl request returns a 500 error with a generic response:

document.write('The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.<br>');
document.write('Please consult your local administrator for further assistance. The Certificate System logs may provide further information.');

Comment 4 Rob Crittenden 2010-10-22 14:11:08 UTC
Created attachment 455081 [details]
IPA install log

Comment 5 Rob Crittenden 2010-11-29 19:42:50 UTC
Jan Zeleny determined that it is due to a missing jar file. This fixes it:

ln -s /usr/share/java/xalan-j2-serializer.jar /usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/xalan-j2-serializer.jar

Comment 6 Rob Crittenden 2010-11-29 19:45:15 UTC
IPA ticket

Comment 7 John Dennis 2010-12-03 22:34:41 UTC
I have tested this against the new tomcat 6 port on the current tip and there isn't a problem, this appears to be a tomcat 5 only issue. Reassigning this to Matt because he has a fix for tomcat 5 in the legacy area.

Comment 8 Matthew Harmsen 2010-12-14 23:48:20 UTC
For tomcat 5, two fixes had been previously applied to the 'pki/dogtag/common/pki-common.spec' file used by the legacy build system (on the TIP):

    dogtag/common/pki-common.spec:Requires:       %{_javadir}/xalan-j2-serializer.jar

    dogtag/common/pki-common.spec:ln -s %{_javadir}/xalan-j2-serializer.jar xalan-j2-serializer.jar

NOTE:  No new "official" respins of Dogtag 1.3 which utilized tomcat 5 are
       currently planned for any Fedora platform!

For tomcat 6, the following (potentially un-necessary fix) had been previously applied to the 'pki/specs/pki-core.spec' file used by the cmake build system (on the TIP):

    specs/pki-core.spec:Requires:         %{_javadir}/xalan-j2-serializer.jar

NOTE:  This change will be "officially" provided once Dogtag 9.0 which utilizes
       tomcat 6 is released to the general public (planned for Fedora 14+).

Comment 9 Nathan Kinder 2010-12-15 01:19:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> NOTE:  This change will be "officially" provided once Dogtag 9.0 which utilizes
>        tomcat 6 is released to the general public (planned for Fedora 14+).

What is the timeframe for this?   This breaks the installer for FreeIPA.

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