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Bug 658926 - org.apache.commons.lang class not found on F13
Summary: org.apache.commons.lang class not found on F13
Alias: None
Product: Dogtag Certificate System
Classification: Retired
Component: Installer (pkicreate/pkiremove)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Matthew Harmsen
QA Contact: Ben Levenson
Depends On:
Blocks: dogtagIPAv2
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2010-12-01 16:24 UTC by John Dennis
Modified: 2020-03-27 18:33 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-03-27 18:33:30 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)
Eliminated explicit jar management, use common classloader path (deleted)
2010-12-01 16:27 UTC, John Dennis
no flags Details | Diff
fix link creation in pkicreate (deleted)
2010-12-02 23:45 UTC, John Dennis
alee: review+
Details | Diff

Description John Dennis 2010-12-01 16:24:49 UTC
The tomcat 6 porting work was done on F12. Apparently the jars in F13 introduced a new dependency on /usr/share/java/jakarta-commons-lang.jar in the jakarta-commons-lang rpm.

Rather than adding yet another jar symlink in pkicreate and waiting for next jar problem to pop up I'm proposing a solution which frees us from explicitly managing jars in our tomcat instances. The proposal has been sent to the team for review. I'm attaching the patch which implements it here.

After the proposal has been reviewed I will attach it to this bugzilla.

Comment 1 John Dennis 2010-12-01 16:27:30 UTC
Created attachment 464046 [details]
Eliminated explicit jar management, use common classloader path

Comment 2 John Dennis 2010-12-02 23:45:47 UTC
Created attachment 464425 [details]
fix link creation in pkicreate

Fix symbolic links to jars
jakarta-commons-lang.jar is needed by velocity, add that link in
WEB-INF/lib. This dependency first appeared in F13.
We had been providing a link to jakarta-commons-collections.jar in
$pki_instance/common/lib but that link is not necessary since tomcat6
already provide jakarta-commons-collections.jar. So remove the
superfluous link creation, it isn't needed.

Note, we don't have consensus yet on how to address jar dependencies so this patch should be applied now, it's consistent with how we've been doing things. The previous patch was just a demonstration example of an alternative approach. This is the patch which needs to be applied so the tip works on F13.

Comment 3 John Dennis 2010-12-03 15:38:32 UTC
Sending        base/setup/pkicreate
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1602.

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