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Bug 68651 - Add a "choose source encoding" menu to gnome-terminal
Summary: Add a "choose source encoding" menu to gnome-terminal
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Linux
Classification: Retired
Component: gnome-terminal
Version: 8.0
Hardware: i386
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Havoc Pennington
QA Contact: Aaron Brown
: 75326 (view as bug list)
Depends On:
Blocks: 67218 79579
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2002-07-12 03:10 UTC by Michal Jaegermann
Modified: 2007-03-27 03:54 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2003-01-02 15:58:46 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)
A short text in koi8-r encoding (deleted)
2002-07-12 03:11 UTC, Michal Jaegermann
no flags Details
How this text looks on a sane display (deleted)
2002-07-12 03:12 UTC, Michal Jaegermann
no flags Details
How designers of Gnome2 seem think that you should see it (deleted)
2002-07-12 03:13 UTC, Michal Jaegermann
no flags Details

Description Michal Jaegermann 2002-07-12 03:10:03 UTC
Description of Problem:

Not only new gnome destroys a basic ability to have on a screen terminal
windows side-by-side terminal windows using fonts with different encodings
but even elementary font handling is FUBAR.

Attached is an example of a small file in koi8-r encoding and two screenshots.
The first shows how this file is displayed in a correct class gnome-terminal
from gnome-core- without any changes in a general session setup.
The second one shows how gnome-terminal from Limbo looks like when the
same file is used and "Russian" session is picked up.  The later has
an effect of randomly translating various menus and message (quite undesirable
in my case) but it seems to have a null effect where it really counts.

Fonts used in a terminal do have a version with koi8-r encoding but this
seems to be ignored.  The same mess occures with iso-8859-2 fonts, at least,
but effects are visually more subtle. :-)

Comment 1 Michal Jaegermann 2002-07-12 03:11:03 UTC
Created attachment 65044 [details]
A short text in koi8-r encoding

Comment 2 Michal Jaegermann 2002-07-12 03:12:11 UTC
Created attachment 65045 [details]
How this text looks on a sane display

Comment 3 Michal Jaegermann 2002-07-12 03:13:26 UTC
Created attachment 65046 [details]
How designers of Gnome2 seem think that you should see it

Comment 4 Havoc Pennington 2002-07-12 15:42:08 UTC
what is your locale? 

If your locale is koi8 then the text should have been converted, 
I'm not sure what's wrong.

If your locale is not koi8, then the only fix is to have a manual "set encoding"
menu as in Mozilla. Which is perhaps worthwhile. Nothing to do with fonts though.

Comment 5 Michal Jaegermann 2002-07-12 16:08:53 UTC
I picked up "Russian" session from a login menu.  You can see effects of this
in a tool bar of a terminal frame as presented one of pictures.  What should
or should not be converted I have no idea and, unfortunately, I do not have
any control over it.  Actually there is nothing to "convert"; only proper
fonts for a display should be used.  I strongly suspect that in reality some
"conversion" kicked in and pitiful results you can observe on an attached

Moreover if you are thinking 'iconv' then this program is truly anal-retentive
and is using then slightest provocations to bail-out.  In "real life" text in
other encodings often contain extra characters from ASCII.  Yes, I know that
this is often not "correct" in some sense but I do not have the slightest degree
of a control over it.  For this test I picked up something which is
"pure koi8-r" not to introduce extra factors.

Indeed, allowing to pick up an encoding in a profile and no "conversions"
seems like the only sane thing to do.

Comment 6 Havoc Pennington 2002-07-12 16:24:19 UTC
The whole point of a "choose encoding" menu is to do conversion from that
encoding, so it doesn't make sense to say you want such a menu but no
conversions. ;-)

Comment 7 Michal Jaegermann 2002-07-12 22:29:04 UTC
I am not that interested at this moment what is going on under-the-hood.
I only know from an experience that when 'iconv' is getting involved this
usually spells trouble.  I also know that in the currently released software
things do work (maybe by an accident but so what?)  and what is in
beta is at this time plain broken.

Comment 8 Havoc Pennington 2002-07-14 22:14:36 UTC
Proposed UI here:

Comment 9 Havoc Pennington 2002-07-29 16:25:44 UTC
Marking the head of the priority queue with priority high

Comment 10 Havoc Pennington 2002-10-07 14:24:02 UTC
*** Bug 75326 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 11 Havoc Pennington 2003-01-02 15:58:46 UTC
Ah, this should be done in rawhide. There's a menu Terminal->Character Coding
in gnome-terminal.

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