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Bug 690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15
Summary: Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15
Alias: None
Product: Dogtag Certificate System
Classification: Retired
Component: Build
Version: 9.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Matthew Harmsen
QA Contact: Ben Levenson
Depends On:
Blocks: dogtagIPAv2 Dogtag9.0
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2011-03-25 22:19 UTC by Matthew Harmsen
Modified: 2020-03-27 19:10 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-03-27 19:10:11 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (beta) (deleted)
2011-03-25 23:35 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
jmagne: review+
Details | Diff
Update tomcatjss dependencies for Fedora 15 (beta) (deleted)
2011-03-26 20:46 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
cfu: review+
Details | Diff
Update additional PKI dependencies for Fedora 15 (beta) (deleted)
2011-03-26 20:47 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
cfu: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (beta) (deleted)
2011-04-05 21:43 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
jmagne: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (deleted)
2011-04-26 20:32 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
no flags Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (deleted)
2011-04-27 00:04 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
awnuk: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (tomcatjss) - Final RC (deleted)
2011-07-14 23:58 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
awnuk: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (pki) - Final RC (deleted)
2011-07-14 23:59 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
awnuk: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (pki) - RTM (deleted)
2011-07-22 21:23 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
awnuk: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (deleted)
2011-08-10 18:13 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
jmagne: review+
Details | Diff
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (deleted)
2011-08-23 21:11 UTC, Matthew Harmsen
awnuk: review+
Details | Diff

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Bugzilla 688763 0 unspecified CLOSED Rebase updated Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (alpha) 2021-02-22 00:41:40 UTC

Internal Links: 688763

Description Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-25 22:19:51 UTC
To prepare for the release of Fedora 15 (beta), update all changes to any Dogtag
Packages that have been changed since the updated releases on Fedora 15 (alpha).

Comment 1 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-25 23:35:37 UTC
Created attachment 487693 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (beta)

Comment 2 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-25 23:42:28 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ra_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
M       scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       CMakeLists.txt
M       specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/pki-tps.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       specs/pki-kra.spec
M       specs/pki-tks.spec
M       specs/pki-ra.spec
M       specs/pki-ocsp.spec

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-kra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ocsp.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tks.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tps.spec
Transmitting file data ...............
Committed revision 1928.

Comment 3 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 00:01:56 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

3486894272 911751 dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.3.tar.gz
793542306 2339320 pki-core-9.0.5.tar.gz
2334699105 101982 pki-kra-9.0.2.tar.gz
3407933003 66223 pki-ocsp-9.0.1.tar.gz
1396045713 115185 pki-ra-9.0.1.tar.gz
649810031 60425 pki-tks-9.0.1.tar.gz
264118135 583243 pki-tps-9.0.2.tar.gz

Comment 4 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 00:26:15 UTC
Created "static" tags of source:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy
svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://

# svn mkdir

# svn copy
svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_BETA_20110325

# git push --tags

Comment 5 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 00:42:38 UTC
The following email was sent to release engineering:

I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (beta)

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec files in their normal location.

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15 (beta) and Rawhide:

    * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.3-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-core-9.0.5-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-kra-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-ocsp-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-tks-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-ra-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-tps-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm

Comment 6 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 20:46:44 UTC
Created attachment 487955 [details]
Update tomcatjss dependencies for Fedora 15 (beta)

Comment 7 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 20:47:38 UTC
Created attachment 487956 [details]
Update additional PKI dependencies for Fedora 15 (beta)

Comment 8 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:07:10 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_console_packages
M       CMakeLists.txt
M       specs/dogtag-pki.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       specs/pki-kra.spec
M       specs/pki-tks.spec
M       specs/pki-console.spec
M       specs/pki-ocsp.spec

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_console_packages
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki.spec
Sending        specs/pki-console.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-kra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ocsp.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tks.spec
Transmitting file data ........
Committed revision 1931.

Comment 9 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:08:54 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_console_packages
M       specs/dogtag-pki.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       specs/pki-kra.spec
M       specs/pki-tks.spec
M       specs/pki-console.spec
M       specs/pki-ocsp.spec
M       CMakeLists.txt

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_console_packages
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki.spec
Sending        specs/pki-console.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-kra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ocsp.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tks.spec
Transmitting file data ........
Committed revision 1932.

Comment 10 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:10:33 UTC

# cd tomcatjss

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       tomcatjss.spec
M       build.xml

# svn commit
Sending        build.xml
Sending        tomcatjss.spec
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 129.

Comment 11 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:12:42 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       tomcatjss.spec
M       build.xml

# svn commit
Sending        build.xml
Sending        tomcatjss.spec
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 130.

Comment 12 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:34:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on
> 3486894272 911751 dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.3.tar.gz
> 793542306 2339320 pki-core-9.0.5.tar.gz
> 2334699105 101982 pki-kra-9.0.2.tar.gz
> 3407933003 66223 pki-ocsp-9.0.1.tar.gz
> 1396045713 115185 pki-ra-9.0.1.tar.gz
> 649810031 60425 pki-tks-9.0.1.tar.gz
> 264118135 583243 pki-tps-9.0.2.tar.gz

Re-published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

4207624085 911757 dogtag-pki-theme/dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.3.tar.gz
3855062673 551688 pki-console/pki-console-9.0.2.tar.gz
3332171402 2339317 pki-core/pki-core-9.0.5.tar.gz
1032436428 101982 pki-kra/pki-kra-9.0.2.tar.gz
2914879739 66224 pki-ocsp/pki-ocsp-9.0.1.tar.gz
1783923675 115179 pki-ra/pki-ra-9.0.1.tar.gz
2994142318 60419 pki-tks/pki-tks-9.0.1.tar.gz
1493333543 583240 pki-tps/pki-tps-9.0.2.tar.gz

Comment 13 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:41:06 UTC
Published the official 'tomcatjss' source tarball to its home on

2776102244 20944 tomcatjss-2.1.1.tar.gz

Comment 14 Matthew Harmsen 2011-03-26 21:57:52 UTC
I updated the previous release engineering ticket via the following email:

> I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:
>     * *Bugzilla Bug #690950*
>       <> - Update
>       Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (beta)

IMPORTANT:  I have updated this bug with changes.

> All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to 
> their designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec 
> files in their normal location.

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to
their designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec
files in their normal location.

> Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for 
> Fedora 15 (beta) and Rawhide:
>     * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.3-1.fc12.src.rpm
>     * pki-core-9.0.5-1.fc12.src.rpm
>     * pki-kra-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm
>     * pki-ocsp-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
>     * pki-tks-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
>     * pki-ra-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
>     * pki-tps-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm

Please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for
Fedora 15 (beta) and Rawhide:

    * tomcatjss-2.1.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.3-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-core-9.0.5-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-kra-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-ocsp-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-tks-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-ra-9.0.1-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-tps-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * pki-console-9.0.2-1.fc12.src.rpm
    * dogtag-pki-9.0.0-2.fc12.src.rpm

Comment 15 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-05 21:43:22 UTC
Created attachment 490089 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (beta)

Comment 16 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-05 22:01:49 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
M       scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       CMakeLists.txt
M       specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/pki-tps.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tps.spec
Transmitting file data .......
Committed revision 1946.

Comment 17 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-05 22:15:24 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

3941489723 911838 dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.4.tar.gz
3044718717 2339516 pki-core-9.0.6.tar.gz
979374034 584352 pki-tps-9.0.3.tar.gz

Comment 18 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-05 22:29:52 UTC
Created "static" tags of source:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_BETA_20110405

# git push --tags

Comment 19 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-05 22:38:41 UTC
The following email was sent to release engineering:

I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (beta)

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their
designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec files in
their normal location.

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15
(beta) and Rawhide:

    * dogtag-pki-9.0.0-3.fc15.src.rpm
    * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.4-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-core-9.0.6-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tps-9.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm

Comment 20 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-26 20:32:59 UTC
Created attachment 495032 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15

Comment 21 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-27 00:04:05 UTC
Created attachment 495087 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15

Comment 22 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-27 00:20:12 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ra_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
M       scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       CMakeLists.txt
M       specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/pki-tps.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       specs/pki-kra.spec
M       specs/pki-tks.spec
M       specs/pki-ra.spec
M       specs/pki-ocsp.spec

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-kra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ocsp.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tks.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tps.spec
Transmitting file data ...............
Committed revision 1989.

Comment 23 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-27 00:29:03 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

669030050 911777 dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.5.tar.gz
3808400357 2340250 pki-core-9.0.7.tar.gz
2662817963 102069 pki-kra-9.0.3.tar.gz
2655453502 66318 pki-ocsp-9.0.2.tar.gz
3258621669 115339 pki-ra-9.0.2.tar.gz
2128839724 60520 pki-tks-9.0.2.tar.gz
3822566744 584788 pki-tps-9.0.4.tar.gz

Comment 24 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-27 00:38:08 UTC
Created "static" tags of source:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_BETA_20110426

# git push --tags

Comment 25 Matthew Harmsen 2011-04-27 00:42:56 UTC
The following email was sent to release engineering:

I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (beta)

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their
designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec files in
their normal location.

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15
(beta) and Rawhide:

    * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.5-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-core-9.0.7-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-kra-9.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-ocsp-9.0.2-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-ra-9.0.2-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tks-9.0.2-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tps-9.0.4-1.fc15.src.rpm

Comment 26 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-14 23:58:50 UTC
Created attachment 513291 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (tomcatjss) - Final RC

Comment 27 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-14 23:59:34 UTC
Created attachment 513292 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (pki) - Final RC

Comment 28 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-15 00:14:51 UTC

# cd tomcatjss

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       tomcatjss.spec
M       build.xml

# svn commit
Sending        build.xml
Sending        tomcatjss.spec
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 155.

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_ipa_pki_theme_packages
A  +    scripts/install_default_pki_instances
A       scripts/build_dogtag_pki
M       scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ra_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_console_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
A  +    scripts/install_default_ca_instance
A  +    scripts/prepare_pki
M       scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
A  +    scripts/remove_pki_components
A  +    scripts/create_pki_yum_repos
A  +    scripts/remove_default_pki_instances
M       scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_migrate_packages
D       dogtag/scripts
M       specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/dogtag-pki.spec
M       specs/pki-tps.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       specs/pki-migrate.spec
M       specs/ipa-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/pki-kra.spec
M       specs/pki-tks.spec
M       specs/pki-console.spec
M       specs/pki-ra.spec
M       specs/pki-ocsp.spec
M       CMakeLists.txt

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Deleting       dogtag/scripts
Adding         scripts/build_dogtag_pki
Sending        scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_ipa_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_console_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_migrate_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
Adding         scripts/create_pki_yum_repos
Adding         scripts/install_default_ca_instance
Adding         scripts/install_default_pki_instances
Adding         scripts/prepare_pki
Adding         scripts/remove_default_pki_instances
Adding         scripts/remove_pki_components
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki.spec
Sending        specs/ipa-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/pki-console.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-kra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-migrate.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ocsp.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tks.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tps.spec
Transmitting file data ..........................
Committed revision 2058.

Comment 29 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-15 00:36:53 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

# cd /var/www/html/pki/sources

# cksum `ls -l */*.gz | grep "Jul 14" | cut -c46-`
2035175867 925475 dogtag-pki-theme/dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.6.tar.gz
2846569739 552804 pki-console/pki-console-9.0.3.tar.gz
3192886491 2363737 pki-core/pki-core-9.0.9.tar.gz
3909831931 102631 pki-kra/pki-kra-9.0.4.tar.gz
2668239516 66809 pki-ocsp/pki-ocsp-9.0.3.tar.gz
106606719 114958 pki-ra/pki-ra-9.0.3.tar.gz
2556495290 60957 pki-tks/pki-tks-9.0.3.tar.gz
3764575694 579929 pki-tps/pki-tps-9.0.5.tar.gz
692674405 21529 tomcatjss/tomcatjss-6.0.0.tar.gz

Comment 30 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-15 00:49:02 UTC
Created "static" source tags:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_20110714

# git push --tags

Comment 31 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-15 01:00:52 UTC
The following email was sent to release engineering:

I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their
designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec files in
their normal location in "/home/mharmsen/kwright/SPECS".

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15
and Rawhide:

    * tomcatjss-6.0.0-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.6-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-core-9.0.9-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-kra-9.0.4-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-ocsp-9.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-ra-9.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tks-9.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tps-9.0.5-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-console-9.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * dogtag-pki-9.0.0-5.fc15.src.rpm

NOTE:  "dogtag-pki-9.0.0-5.fc15.src.rpm" is a "meta" package
       which contains no source tarball!

Comment 32 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-22 21:23:53 UTC
Created attachment 514796 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15 (pki) - RTM

Comment 33 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-22 21:55:43 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       CMakeLists.txt

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 2077.

Comment 34 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-22 22:35:31 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

# cd /var/www/html/pki/sources

# cksum `ls -l */*.gz | grep "Jul 22" | cut -c46-`
3073555037 2366015 pki-core/pki-core-9.0.10.tar.gz

Comment 35 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-22 22:46:40 UTC
The following email was sent to release-engineering:


I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their
designated upstream locations, and I have placed the updated spec files in
their normal location in "/home/mharmsen/kwright/SPECS".

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15:

    * pki-core-9.0.10-1.fc15.src.rpm

-- Matt

P. S. - Normally we would request this to be rebuilt for rawhide as well, but
        we have not yet fixed issues related to changes documented in
        'Bugzilla Bug #665576 - "build-classpath swt" fails on 64bit'

Comment 36 Matthew Harmsen 2011-07-22 22:59:47 UTC
Created "static" source tags:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_20110722

# git push --tags

Comment 37 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-10 18:13:01 UTC
Created attachment 517668 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15

Comment 38 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-10 18:37:42 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       specs/pki-tps.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       CMakeLists.txt

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tps_packages
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tps.spec
Transmitting file data .....
Committed revision 2136.

Comment 39 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-10 18:43:09 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

# cd /var/www/html/pki/sources

# cksum `ls -l */*.gz | grep "Aug 10" | cut -c46-`
2836012587 2367282 pki-core/pki-core-9.0.11.tar.gz
2174512369 580195 pki-tps/pki-tps-9.0.6.tar.gz

Comment 40 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-10 18:49:00 UTC
The following email was sent to release-engineering:

Subject:  Request to build 'pki-core' and 'pki-tps' for Fedora 15 on Koji


I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their
designated upstream locations.

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15:

    * pki-core-9.0.11-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tps-9.0.6-1.fc15.src.rpm

-- Matt

P. S. - Normally we would request this to be rebuilt for rawhide as well, but
        we have not yet fixed issues related to changes documented in
        'Bugzilla Bug #665576 - "build-classpath swt" fails on 64bit'

Comment 41 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-10 20:48:29 UTC
Created "static" source tags:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_20110810

# git push --tags

Comment 42 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-23 21:11:54 UTC
Created attachment 519522 [details]
Update Dogtag 9.0 for Fedora 15

Comment 43 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-23 21:35:31 UTC

# cd pki

# svn status | grep -v ^$ | grep -v ^P | grep -v ^X | grep -v ^?
M       scripts/compose_ipa_pki_theme_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
M       scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
M       scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
M       CMakeLists.txt
M       specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/pki-core.spec
M       specs/ipa-pki-theme.spec
M       specs/pki-kra.spec
M       specs/pki-tks.spec
M       specs/pki-ocsp.spec

# svn commit
Sending        CMakeLists.txt
Sending        scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_ipa_pki_theme_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_core_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_kra_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_ocsp_packages
Sending        scripts/compose_pki_tks_packages
Sending        specs/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/ipa-pki-theme.spec
Sending        specs/pki-core.spec
Sending        specs/pki-kra.spec
Sending        specs/pki-ocsp.spec
Sending        specs/pki-tks.spec
Transmitting file data .............
Committed revision 2167.

Comment 44 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-23 21:42:56 UTC
Published the following official source tarballs to their homes on

# cd /var/www/html/pki/sources

# cksum `ls -l */*.gz | grep "Aug 23" | cut -c46-`
3416074862 925382 dogtag-pki-theme/dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.7.tar.gz
2963033719 277809 ipa-pki-theme/ipa-pki-theme-9.0.5.tar.gz
3611594501 2369628 pki-core/pki-core-9.0.12.tar.gz
578448152 102780 pki-kra/pki-kra-9.0.5.tar.gz
3191300768 66919 pki-ocsp/pki-ocsp-9.0.4.tar.gz
2904137308 61086 pki-tks/pki-tks-9.0.4.tar.gz

Comment 45 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-23 21:51:57 UTC
NOTE:  Although the 'ipa-pki-theme' SRPM was altered, it was NOT requested to
       be built since 'ipa-pki-theme' is ONLY used on RHEL platforms,
       not FEDORA platforms.

The following email was sent to release-engineering:

Subject: Request to build 'dogtag-pki-theme', 'pki-core', 'pki-kra',
         'pki-ocsp', and 'pki-tks' for Fedora 15 on Koji

I have made changes to the Dogtag 9.0 TIP per the following bug:

    * Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15

All of the associated official source tarballs have been published to their
designated upstream locations.

Could you please build the following Dogtag 9.0 packages in Koji for Fedora 15:

    * dogtag-pki-theme-9.0.7-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-core-9.0.12-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-kra-9.0.5-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-ocsp-9.0.4-1.fc15.src.rpm
    * pki-tks-9.0.4-1.fc15.src.rpm

-- Matt

P. S. - Normally we would request this to be rebuilt for rawhide as well, but
        we have not yet fixed issues related to changes documented in
        'Bugzilla Bug #665576 - "build-classpath swt" fails on 64bit'

Comment 46 Matthew Harmsen 2011-08-24 00:43:12 UTC
Created "static" source tags:

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# svn mkdir

# svn copy

# git clone ssh://

# cd osutil

# git tag DOGTAG_9_0_FEDORA_15_20110823

# git push --tags

Comment 48 Matthew Harmsen 2011-10-07 00:09:56 UTC
Please see the following comments:


Comment 49 Matthew Harmsen 2011-10-07 00:27:41 UTC
Please see the following comments:


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