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Bug 81282 - No pcmcia devices found (HP OmniBook XT6050) after upgrade.
Summary: No pcmcia devices found (HP OmniBook XT6050) after upgrade.
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Linux
Classification: Retired
Component: kernel-pcmcia-cs
Version: 9
Hardware: i386
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Arjan van de Ven
QA Contact: Brian Brock
: 88054 (view as bug list)
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2003-01-07 15:49 UTC by Ivo Sarak
Modified: 2007-04-18 16:49 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2003-05-14 18:09:35 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2003:172 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE : Updated 2.4 kernel fixes security vulnerabilities and various bugs 2003-09-05 04:00:00 UTC

Description Ivo Sarak 2003-01-07 15:49:49 UTC
From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021218

Description of problem:
As a direct result of bug  - can not start this
machine up with kernel 2.4.20-2.2, I must start up this machine with earlier
kernel (kernel 2.4.18-19-8-0) and when there is no pcmcia adapters found on this
machine anymore.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1) Upgrade HP OmniBook XT6050 to Phoebe.
2) Enable pcmcia and try some pcmcia card with it.

Actual Results:  No pcmcia cards found (punch of errors).

Expected Results:  No errors and working cards.

Additional info:

/var/log/messages will contain:
pcmcia: modprobe: Can't locate module
cardmgr[489]: starting, version is 3.1.31
pcmcia: modprobe: Can't locate module
cardmgr[489]:config error, file 'config' line 1056: syntax error
cardmgr[489]:config error, file 'config' line 2136: no function bindings
pcmcia: modprobe: Can't locate module /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/pcmcia/ds.o
cardmgr[489]: no pcmcia driver in /proc/devices

These files are there (actually links to these files) and when to manually
insmod these then they load fine.

And after a (re)start of cardmgr - there are pcmcia devices available again!  

What is this 'config' file and why these files are not found at startup?

Comment 1 Bill Nottingham 2003-01-08 05:26:50 UTC
Does the rawhide kernel-pcmcia-cs solve this for you?

Comment 2 Ivo Sarak 2003-01-08 07:58:23 UTC
No. Only difference is that all error messages are gone (only message is
"pcmcia: started successfully").
Still no pcmcia_core.o, yenta-socket.o or ds.o module are loaded and no pcmcia
devices are found.

Comment 3 Ivo Sarak 2003-02-03 12:31:35 UTC
No changes with Phoebe Beta 8.0.93.

Comment 4 Ivo Sarak 2003-02-10 07:22:35 UTC
No changes with kernel-pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-13.i386.rpm .

Comment 5 Ivo Sarak 2003-03-10 15:53:49 UTC
Any news?

Comment 6 Ivo Sarak 2003-03-15 13:03:20 UTC
It is strange that pcmcia is unable to start up at bootime, but fortunately I
get the pcmcia working by running:

modprobe pcmcia_core
modprobe yenta_socket
modprobe ds

Comment 7 Ivo Sarak 2003-03-26 08:12:08 UTC
As the release of RedHat Linux 9.0 is imminent, what is the status of this bug?

Comment 8 Ivo Sarak 2003-04-07 16:31:15 UTC
Is this the reason?:

Comment 9 Arjan van de Ven 2003-05-14 18:09:35 UTC
An errata has been issued which should help the problem described in this bug report. 
This report is therefore being closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For more information
on the solution and/or where to find the updated files, please follow the link below. You may reopen 
this bug report if the solution does not work for you.

Comment 10 Bill Nottingham 2004-09-08 06:52:14 UTC
*** Bug 88054 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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